Firstly i would just like to apologise for how everything turned out. I never meant to hurt anybody.
That said i would also like to say how proud i am of what you have done so far on your trip. You shouldnt knock yourself for not completing the trek. Trekking upto 3000m is a big accomplishent in itself and you should be very proud f that. Everyday just try and push yourself that little bit further and eventually you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind too :-)
A little birdy once told me "If you want something in life, go out and get it", lol. Im so happy for you that you have gone out there, as daunting as it was for you and achieved all these wonderful things. I would be lying if i was to say i wasn't jealous, but i am, EXTREMELY :-)
I just wanted to drop you this SMALL message and wish you look for the rest of your trip. Stay safe but remember, What doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger :-) Have fun and enjoy yourself.
Love Always
I have only just worked out how to send u a message haha!! Glad ur having a fab time, but miss u loads!!
Ill keep reading!!!
Laura XxXxXx
The Wilsons
Hi Pol,
Glad to hear the elephant trek was fantastic. Sounds like you are having a great time. How amazing to see all of those animals in the wild, in a way though i bet you are glad you didn't see any of the animals you were warned about.
Keep having fun, thinking about you all of the time.
Loads of love and hugs,
Mike, Emma, Robert, Peter and Oscar xxxx
Hello Aunty Potty,
Did you have a sadle on top of the elephant?
I love you.
I have got my train track out with a bridge on top and train track underneath.
I went to the hospital, then I went to sleep, then I had breakfast.
I miss you lots and will see you at Christmas.
Love from Robert xxxx
Well Polly! You should have given me a lesson on how this blog works. It's taken me 2 days to find the blog about your trek.
It doesn't matter that you didn't complete it. The important thing is that you pushed yourself as far as you could. You said that you wanted to be outside your comfort zone erveryday, well love it sounds as if that is what is happening. Les and I are still very proud of you. We told you how kind the people are in Nepal but we didn't realize how much,until you said that your porter even had your blisters for you. Did you use your compeed on him?
Thinking of you every day.
Love Mum and Les.
Hello!! how you doin.. only just managed to work work how to work this thing.. how all is well and i'm missing you already.. remember to have the time of your life.. love you xxx
Hi Polly,
I've found the photo, as you know I'm not good with technology. Did you take it? It's great. Is it sun rise or sun set?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Love Mum and Les xx
The Wilsons
Hi Pol,
Great to hear you are ok. Shame you didn't do all of the trek, but at least you had a really good try and did as much as you could, which I am sure is a lot more than most of us would attempt. So you should be really proud of yourself; well done.
The elephant trek shouldn't be as tiring, I am sure you will love it, that is if you don't see any of the big spiders your Mum talks of!
Please put some photos on soon, then I can show the boys what you are up to, I have shown them on a map where you are, but they would love to see you.
Look after yourself, continue to have loads of fun and laughter, we are thinking about you, lots of love and hugs,
Mike, Emma, Robert, Peter and Oscar xxx
Hi Polly,
Well done love! but where's the photo. We will have to take the boots back when you return, they should last for years not 10 days. Was the trek really hard? The jungle next! Don't forget your malaria tablets. Watch out for the spiders, there as big as saucers and have beautiful blue legs!!! honest! Everythings ok here.
Love Mum and Les xxx
Rach And Rich
Miss you chooch! We loved reading your blog and we can't wait for the next one. The trek sounds great and those elephants are gonna have the best scrub down ever! haha.
just a lil musical note from us:
Hi Pol,
Missing you loads already.
Sounds like you have had a fab time already! The elephant trek sounds brilliant, I am sure that you will love that.
Just watching a bit of Corrie! So no change here in the UK!
Hope you enjoy your 10 day trek, try not to eat any more dead people! (I know that you can be a bit of a fussy eater but that really is taking it too far!) Fingers crossed that the boots will be ok!
Will be thinking about you everyday, take care, loads of love, Emma, Mike, Robert, Peter and Oscar.
Hey Polly,
Great to speak to you today. Have a super trek. Lhakpa Sunnam will look after you very well. Don't forget to start your Malaria tablets before you get to Chitwan. Give the elephants a scrub from us.
Stay safe.