I have been checking in now and again enjoying all the news or your travels. I was kinda thinking it will be sad when the adventure ends too. I was wondering why they keep the goats on the roof. Reading all this along with the pictures is like reading a good book only you dont have to use your imagination to picture everything. Yet I find myself creating more pictures in my mind anyway when I leave and just think about you being there and what you are doing. The place where the toilet might blow up gave me a bad feeling. I sent an e-mail earlier but it did'nt work. Are you going to need new tires before you are finished cycling? Getting lost sounds hard but in some cases you have meet goot peeples when loostd. Ill keep popping in to catch up. Sounds like much fun! Take Maxes advice on less beer less tire in crack trouble. Have much pleasure. I appreciate you sharing your adventures. BE safe.
Cuzzin Jeb And Millie
Hey, cuz. We're following your adventures with awe and jealousy. I think you may be missing one part from your how-is-the-universe stacked equation though. You're a charming, interesting, intelligent guy that people enjoy being with. And there's some kind of cliche about birds of a feather...
Can't wait until the next post.
I just finished reading about your last adventure. I started it earlier right in the middle of watching 14 kids today and then decided to wait until a quiter time so that I could enjoy it more. Can you believe there is a quieter time?? Anyway I really enjoy your great outlook on life! I am always so amazed at you. Love, Cass
Chuck And Nancy
Hooray for the gaby's. boo ,hiss on the sidewalk crack. we laughed
about the drunk guy, those close talking back slappers are funny,
for a little while.we thoroughly enjoyed your journal entry on the 19th. you are truly amazing and an awsome writter. we love to come in here and get on the computer and see what the latest
adventure is. take care hope you dont take any more spills, have
fun ,remember man cannot live on beer and chocolate,but what
the heck maybe its just never been done before. love you,
chuck and nancy
Elbow saving advice..... ''easy up on the breakfast beer". hahahha
I had much the same experiance with the music whille in Germany....but it's much funnier when you write about it. I had attended a ''festival'' (a name they use when they are drinking outside in a huge crowd ) hahaha I think they have a ''festival'' almost bi- weekly somewhere. I attended a festival to celebrate the offical opening of a tower built in an area where Lothar had come thru the black forrest . ''Lothar'' the name given to the Orcan ( German for very stong tornado type wind ).The band that played, played mostly american music medley's like Glen Miller's ''in the mood''. I had to laugh.
I think you can clearly see that one's language isn't the determining factor in communicating but rather one's attitude, character, and spirit. All of us after all have skinned elbows and days of balancing '' the gathering gloom of attitude'' with the determination to rise above the smoke to sniff out the best in the new day. And of course, doesn't chocolate always make things just a little bit better? !!
Great , Great, Great journaling....were not so sure we want you to come back ''home'' as we will miss the wonderful adventures you are taking us on. hahaha.... Viel Spass auf deiner reise, und trete nicht in hundescheisse. hehehe. Andi/Max
Chuck And Nancy
hey nathan sorry we missed your call, we were outside with the
little hooligans,they were getting into a little carpentry work, we let them make tool boxes and paint them . enjoyed the latest round of
pictures,be safe love you chuck and nancy
That was trippy.
Yarg! Your lost entries remind me of that Jack Black song "Tribute." Your re-write will probably never seem as good to you, but at least you don't have demons trying to eat your soul. Just hooligan-ish Brits.
Great new entry and photo's, hope the rain does not continue for you but lands only on the fields and streams. HA !
The big news here is.... angel (brooklyns fish ) died yesterday. It kept her up crying until 2am even though the brothers were very thoughtful and and helped with the funeral and a nice rock grave marker was placed at the final site of resting (or is that swimming....if your a fish? ) Needless to say, a new fish was purchased and she bears the name Kristy. HUM....
So much for the little one.... now the on again off again romance of the oldest is also at the forefront. It's a hard time to make it through... although my memories of those tiimes are extremely faded, the pain of romance lost (even for an hour) is still cruelly etched in my being. I'm forever thankful that we pass through those times and not stay stuck in them.
The middle three are busy with Baseball, nature camps , swimming, and well.... all the summer fare of a Mother who has a busy, booming day care.
Thinking of you and your journey, and enjoying it with you, Andi/Max
Chuck And Nancy
got your message, nice cottage . 339 miles,wow good thing you are in shape. minda, mike and the boys just left a little while ago.
I grilled some chicken and shrimp. the news here says you are having good weather that should make it a little easier for you.
very hot here so we havent been taking any bike tours ourselves.
nancy did ride over to mindas to deliver 2 tomatoes early this
morning.we watched cub on the computer he handled the mouse like a pro not bad for 2 yrs old. keep havin fun be safe we love you.
chuck and nancy
Oh... I forgot to tell you to try the spargel soup (it's in season for a very short time...and actually may be already gone by now?) It was the best soup I thing I've ever eaten. It's the white asparagus , and even is you don't like asparagus...it's not like the green.
It's exciting to come to work and check on your message board, we all feel we are getting to live this journey thru you, which makes the everyday life in Kansas and Texas just a little bit more exciting and adventures. Ride on !! ,or is that Right on? ! HA
Thinking of you and smiling, Andi