HAPPY BIRTHDAY XXXXX. Hope your having a great birthday, I'm sure you are. It's 2.20 in the morning as I'm sending this, we're all just back in from Brian's 40th Birthday Party. It was a great night, but missed you and Darren. Enjoy your Birthday. Lots of love xxxxx.
hey derm. missin u!!
Louise Ann And Mick
your comments from katie price and peter andre are so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lou Ann xx
Hi Diarmaid!
celtic top of the league!
yee ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How goes it big guy????? where in the world are you today? Mick Lol
John Mccrossan
Hey Diarmaid,
Photos + blog are great - let's have some more to see what u 2 r up to now! Sean, Craig n Aedan have been havin a look at your site 2nt. Me n Pauline n Aedan went thru to stay with Elaine n Robbie n Eoghan at the weeknd - good laugh, but a few bottles of wine too many...!!!
Eoghan took Aedan n Daniel to see Dumbarton v Cowdenbeath - 0-3!? - don't think they were too impressed! Off to see MotD now...Cheers, John
Katie Price
Pete shut up using every excuse to promote ur f***ing s***ty album!!
hey boys! hope your having a good time u look like ure living it up like me in ibiza! although not as much fun if u no what i mean haha anyway so whats happening with me - got a new man in my life he looks like a ninja turtle but hey hes giving me the headlines oh and im a great mum. So have a great time guys!
Peter Andre
hey skippys! whats been happenin?? feelin the pics but nothing compared to what i had in the jungle (i am a celebrity)!! whats been happenin with me- lost 3 stone and new album out cant complain! was on jon ross decent show got a little personal but kept it strong. listen to ma album to hear the real story. peace out!!!
LOL u were right diarmaid!!!!!
do you prefer blue steal?
Hi! Am Buddy the Elf, whats you favorite colour?
alright fuzzy nut how u gettin on son, wats the score way the rangers top eh? just as well uv got ur pal there 2 keep u on the straight n narrow! hope ur enjoyin urself mucker all the best ur cousin kevin p.s no more photos up close n personel way the creepy wee thai guys startin 2 wonder about u lol all the best pal!!!!!
hmmm thats not a friend is it guys???????????????? xx