Adventures of a Global Wanderer
This was my final night in Taiwan and I was feeling sad to be leaving, something I havent felt on my travels for a long time. Normally I'm tired and just want to go home now, but this was a rare feeling of sadness, I hadnt had since Xinjiang China last year, or Sweden 2003 when I seriously thought about moving there. I got back quite late after 11pm to my room and settled into bed with the tv on low volume. Next door a noisy group of asians had moved into the adjacent room. I kept hearing a tapping on my door so I thought my volume was loud so put it lower. It didnt stop so I got out to see what it was. The manager was tapping on the room next door not mine, so I went back into bed. I got to sleep after 12 but was woken at 6 as the group next door were talking really loudly, laughing, shouting, and making as much noise as possible. Then what sounded like bikes were taken down and it was all over by 6.30am but I was now wide awake. I rested up a bit, packed, and left close to 9. There was one final stop at the bakery for my last multi grain bread. Then I took the train all the way down to Taipei Station. At the station it was confusing finding the bus terminal. There is a terminal in the station but this is not where the airport bus comes. She told me to go out, and I had to ask another security guard. After walking almost around the station and another block I found the airport bus terminal. This time it only took an hour to get to the airport, as coming the route had construction for the new direct airport rail line. After checking in and going thru security screening I had time to wander. Internet was really bad. When you try to sign into hotmail the computer almost freezes, and took several mins to do any single function. Even to log out it was so bad as it was stuck on a timer before it would even allow you to click on the logout function. They seem to like Hello Kitty. There was a Hello Kitty check in area where you could print your boarding cards. Then there was a Hello Kitty departure lounge to wait for your flights. At my gate it was made to look like a post office. There was also a traditional native Formasa Crafts shop with native outfits, handwares, and food items. They had the food boxes open and cut into small pieces you could sample with toothpicks. I wish they had this earlier in the markets then I would know what all these items were and which ones to buy. The shortbread fruit filled biscuits I knew about. There were other fruit filled doughy mixtures, a cross between marshmellows and turkish delight. This is the box I had bought for the teachers at school and there was a bean paste filling option so I knew they'd like it. At the gate there was very heavy fog again so I knew I wouldnt get one final look at the Taipei 101 tower. Then they announced boarding was delayed due to bad weather. I was worried as I had already bought my return bus ticket from Busan to Daegu for when I arrived so hoped I would be able to make the same bus. Boarding was delayed 30 mins and I had my window seat. I was the only foreigner on this flight and they were all koreans. Then the two men beside me asked if one if their wives can take my seat? I wanted to keep my window but they did a deal with some other koreans the next row for me to take that window seat so Iet them change seats. Then the new couple I sat with offered me candies. We made it to Busan at 4.45 which was almost our original time so I'd be able to make my 5.30 bus which I had a ticket for. I also read in the flight magazine that if you fly with Air Busan you get better than posted exchange rates at the Busan Bank counter at Gimhae Airport, so I exchanged my money there. Normally I feel like I'm arriving home but this time it felt like arriving in some strange land again. After taking the cab home from Dongdaegu station I went to homeplus to buy some groceries. In there my favourite bad student saw me and started asking me to buy her a snack. I've told her so many times not to demand, to say hello, ask how are you, then ask 'may I' have a candy. As we had our battle it felt like I had settled back in and everything was back to normal now. So I was back home now and not in some strange foreign land again.
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