Yesterday was another long drive, so to keep in the tradtion when we got there we went out and got drunk again. Don´t know how much more tequilla my liver can take. It was another good night, Carlos got this elmo thing and filled it with sweets and condoms which Steve had to wack with a stick while blindfolded. Missed that bit but didn´t miss the bottle of tequilla he got!
We ended up going to the pub and then on to this club which was about 40 degree inside and playing this music which wouldn´t have been out of place in a circus. It was s*** basically.
THis morning we were meant to be going to the market, didn´t get in until 3 again so Ang and I decided to give it a miss. We had a bit of lie in and then walked down to the lake to get some lunch. This has to be the most spectacular place I have ever seen in my life. The lake is huge and is surrounded by 3 volcanoes. Could stay here forever.
We met up with the rest of the group at 2pm when they got back and went on a boat tour. The first bit was a lot of fun, sat at the front and got a bit of sun. We got off at this island and foud this secluded pub called the secret garden. None of us wanted to leave but we had to get back on the boat to go to another island and have dinner. THis part of the trip was NOT GOOD. I got absolutely drenched, I must have had about 10 gallons of water slapped in my face and there was no where I could go to hide from it. Sean got some good photos so will need to get them off him. Was miserable all through dinner cause I was absolutely freezing, was glad to get back. Just went for a few drinks, needed an early night as leaving for Antigua tomorrow.
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