Although it's so close to Bangkok and being the countrys 2nd largest island, kho Chang isn't on the traditional island-hopping itinary. After just an hour or so of arriving though I could not work out why. This was going to be my last proper stop before home and was relieved to see it was a fitting place to end this leg of my travels. Compared with Kho Chang, the very relaxed Sihanoukville was a bustling metropolis. One afternoon I went into a travel agents to find out about ferrys to the mainland and ended up playing FIFA with the guy working there for half an hour. Nobody in fact seems to really work on the island, restaurant workers would take there time to saunter up with my food after waiting for about an hour for a toastie and present you with something completely different but by that time I'm so hungry to say anything, and usually it tastes good anyway. Because it was low season all the bars near our beach had got together and would take turns to have a beach party with a free BBQ each night so after spending the day at the waterfalls or the beach me, Ana, and 4 Germans we'd met would head up to the nights beach party for buckets and banter. Since i was almost heading home I was able to splashout a tad on an elephant trek through the jungle and swim with the elephants in the lake which was so awesome, though couldn't help thinking Joanne would have appreciated the experience more with her unhealthy elephant obsession.
I think I've managed to stay pretty safe during my travels, a broken bone here and sunburn there perhaps but generally i've stayed fighting fit. My record however came into serious danger on my last full day on the island when me, Ana and our German friendshired mopeds for a day trip around the island. It was all going so well, the scenary was amazing and we were managing the gravel roads and vertical hills OK until we were almost back and, while turning a corner, Ana stumbled and we came off the bike down a hill at almost 40km hour. I was sitting in the back and fell off, following the bikedown the rough road. At first I didnt feel any pain but was just waiting for it to kick in and was preparing to look up to find my legs detached from my body but the pain never came. Ana was in a bit of a bad way, her t-shirt and her back covered in scrapes and blood and her shoulder and ankle were pretty bruised and sore so the others helped her back while I pushed the bike. I have no idea how it happene but my t-shirt wasnt even dirty, I was completely fine, in fact the stony hill felt more like a waterslide when i was sliding down.
After the miracle of Kho Chang me, Ana and two of the Germans (Bastian and peter) took the trip back to Bangkok where I had time to joing a cooking class and party with Caroline who had just landed from New Zealand before heading to the airport for the long trip home to the Kingdom.
So, I'll be signing off for a few months while I'm saving at home and I'll see all you in Canada in the New Year.
Deighan out.
- comments
anne watson Hi James this is the first time that I have visited this site-done so on your mums recommendation!now that I know where it is I will follow your adventures