Hola amigos y parientes!After 3 nights and days on different busses we are currently in Yurimaguas, Peru. We started our travellings from Cusco on thursday night with a 22hour bus journey to Lima. Arrived friday night, got some food at some street kitchen and took another night bus to Trujillo. Arrived there saturday morning, 10 hours later. Ate breakfast at café Buenos Aires)muy bueno) and took a taxi out to the ruins of Chan Chan. It was a city of the Chimu people about 1000 years ago and it is the biggest adobe city in the world. Walked around for an hour or so, took a nother taxi to the museum for 30 minutes then on to Hualca del sol and Hualca de la luna, two ancient temples of the sun and the moon, built by the Moche people 1500 years ago. Visited the museum and the sites before we returned to the city. Ate lunch at King Fok, a chineese meal worthy of the restaurants name. Another bus, 6 hours and loads of sightseing had taken place since we arrived Trujillo and we were of again. Destination Tarapoto in the jungle, 20 hours away. Arrived there sunday morning and quickly got on the next one, a car this time, heading for Yurimaguas. After a road through what looked much like cocaineproducing valleys we arrived here around noon. Checked in on hostel Ruthcita for about $3 each, and we got what we payed for. But a bed and some shared toilets is all we need, and we are looking forward to a night without AC here in the hot and humid jungle. Our plan next is to find a boat that will take us to Iquitos, some 2-3 days away. The river looks beautiful and it will surely be a different experience. Greetings from the amazon, Ludde and Eirik
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Paul Hurra for 17.mai! Feiring i sne og sludd her. Lykke til på elveturen!