Ahhh so this is where you to have gone! Looks like you two are having WWAAAAAAYYY too much fun...NOT FAIR! Can I come and join?
Enjoy yourselves and I'll keep in touch throug your websites and my emails!
Take care you two!
Alex & Carol
Yo L&L,
Alby here, first time I've been here since you guys have left as the IT b*****s at work have blocked this site (not like it's porn or anything is it?). Looks like you guys are having a blast and a well deserved one too - how long in the planning of this trip? Glad to see the Navvy is still cruisin' too. Not much to report back here, I've got my third black eye for the (rugby) season and a popped rib and Carol is running 21km on Sunday morning - for fun!!!
Well only four weeks till we're off on our litte trip (litttle compared to yours anyway), but will hopefully have a chat before then.
Take it easy and hope the maps help out.
Al and Carol
Dear Lee and Lea,
Take care,
Scott, Jodi and Olivia
Fiona Crockett
First time readers and loving it! What a great idea. Think of Nickelarse and I as we toilet train Laura. Oh the joys. I will be thinking of you both as I fly to Dubbo and back!!! Keep safe.
Fee fee, Nick and Laura
Dan & Anita
You lucky b*****s.
Already enjoying reading your adventures. I hope you guys think of me in downtown Parramatta when you're sitting on those deserted beaches, dangling a line in the water!
Take care and keep the updates coming!
Anita & Dan
Hi there Lee & Leeroy!
Lissy & Mum had such fun with you both at yum cha! They really loved catching up with you both. Looks like you are having a fabulous time - keep up the photos, we really enjoy seeing the beautiful sights you are seeing. Can't wait to see you in July. Travel safe and take care.
Neetie & Dan xo
Hi great to see that you have been having a great time and that Neeka got on film she loves the camera.
You have got your little sister Trudie going and are getting eager to explore the country side. Have a great time I sent an sms but you must not have been in range.
See you later daughter and Lee
Bob N Trixie
G'day Lee & Lea
Thanks for taking the time to keep us all posted. It is great to read about your trip and all the pictures make us feel like we are there with you. Make sure you enjoy every bit of it and enjoy each other's company. Just remember to come home safe. Luv The Taggs
Mol And Deb
Thanx 4 visiting, girls were happy you could see them play rugga, missed out on some good fishing Sat, but Im sure you guys will get your share in the upcoming year, crabs are on too, but you'll only want to get the crustaceon variety. Love yas have a great time, maybe see yous on the return XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Hi guys!
This is a great site! Love all the pics.....particularly as i am browsing through them at work!!
What a great set up you guys have. I hope you've got a big fridge to store the beer and keep all the fish fresh!
Keep the photos coming! Have a great trip and travel safe.
Megan & Sam xxx
Ah! So the buttons up top work too!! I thought they were a 'Member Area'!
Great Photos & I love the blog - I wish I was there again. I have realised that it is now over 15 years since I back packed around this wide brown land *sob, sob*
I am jealous. In fact I am VERY jealous. Keep up the work!
Matt And Lisa
Hi there Team Relaxo,
Great site and cool to see you getting amongst it already. have a sick trip and keep the pics coming. Before long you will both be salty, crusty surf/fish bums.....very jealous.