Just had a look at your blog, and wishing we made one of our trip. The photos make me laugh because we have very similar ones, and even some identical!! Can't believe you haven't even made Perth yet. The bottom of WA is absolutely fantastic, I don't think you'll ever make it back to NSW.
We have just arrived back in Victoria (at mum & dads), funds running very short and very glad to be out of the trailer! Had to rush through SA a bit to get back for a wedding on the weekend, but no matter.
Safe travels, and be sure to let us know when you reach Geelong, so we can catch up. xoxox
Al & Carol
Hey guys, so you finally made it to the west coast, how many kms on the speedo now then eh...
I'm just sitting at work checking out the blog and photos and I know where I'd rather be. Getting warmer over here now too but not up to 40 thank god.
We haven't been up to much, getting a coupla quotes on bits and pieces in the house and got Carol's sisters wedding in a few weeks.
Will call you soon now you're back in phone range land.
Take it easy (like you're not already), Al & Carol.
PS. gonna get a rod for christmas to take on those snowy mountains trout again.
Conor Paull
I like your photos uncle lee when will you be back i miss you
Brian And Glenice
Just caught up with your travel, sounds like a fishermans paradise. Nopthing will compare to what you have been doing when you get back to the big smoke. However you will have some great memories to keep forever. Lots of Love to you both
BJ & Glenice
Your pictures are amazing!!! Your trip sounds amazing!! Im sure your having an amazing time!! its all truely amazing!! Hope lovely Broome is washing away all that beautiful red dust. Did you see Megan on Cables?? How are youz, there has not been an update in a couples of weeks. We are missing you guys a whole bunch. Feels like an eternity. Tex is awesome. Gets bigger everytime you look at him. Took him to Era for Oct Long weekend, poor thing got a tick stuck to his lower eye lash line!! Slade and Paul to the rescue with vaso and tweezers, he was ok, but his eye swelled up quite a bit, looked like he had coped a nice punch. Things here going good. Slade busier than ever, getting used to that. Tex and I are good. Hope you guys a well, and loving Broome. lotsa love and missing youz
Danzey, Slade & Tex
Anita And Dan
Hi there Lee and Lea,
just a note from Sydney to say, we have been checking out your photos and looks like you are still having a wonderful time. We have just come back from Margaret River - wow - what fun we had a wedding no. 5! Only 1 more to go for 2007...
Miss ya
love ya - take care
Dan and Anita xo
My first visit to your website and WOW !! What a fabulous time you both must be having. Australia sure is beautiful and I'm enjoying seeing it through your eyes... "keep the photos a coming". lots of love Biddy and Brett XX
I am sooooooooooooo jealous, you b******s.
Time for brooksie's top tips
Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge (are you game to swim in the waterhole with 500 frehies? and do the gorge walk to the cave ...when i did it it was a buriel site with bones lodged into the wall of the cave...probably long since removed)
Millstream NP (missed it myself but everyone else enjoyed it)
The red earth and spinifex hills of the Hammersley Range
Don't forget to souvenir some Boab fruits.......great talking point when you get back home
Marble Bar and the Hammersley gorges (50+C on top and -10C below....slight exaggeration!) the gorges are marvellous (take something warm to put on after getting into the water....no kidding)
Broome (watch all the white pommy backpackers go pink, then cerise then red, then VERY red) after hitting the beach mid morning....idiots!
Walk out to the seaplane wrecks at low tide
Check out fish from the wharf
Speaking of low tide.....go to any wharf on the west coast, check out low tide then go back at high tide...where does 10+m of water go?
One of the best camping spots in Broome is at the mango caravan park......the fruit bats pick mangoes at night and drop the heavy ones.....just in time for you to pick up for breakfast.
have fun
Well hello groovers! Your photos are AMAZING. What can I say?!
All here well, dogs are a hoot and Zulu is a cheeky b***** - he's worked out how to get the lid off the pellets bin. Hmm. But he's doing a great job of keeping all the grass down :) and I'm pleased that he's put on weight. Been lungeing him, awaiting first pay packet to purchase bitless bridle!
We've had such glorious fine weather down here, obviously could use rain but it's hard to complain when each dawn brings such sunshine! Hope you guys not sweating it too much up there?! By the time you make it around the western coastline and over this direction I MAY just have an outdoor area for brunches..?! If nothing else, the weeds will be in full flight still, so there'll be some greenery?! heh heh Can't guarantee any fish tho, sorry Leroy
Drive safe, whatever you do!
hurry up and get to the daly river leroy wanna see some big barra pics.Only another six weeks before cape yee ha till then will be jealous of your trip.
all the best from keiran conor & lorraine..
Andrew And Caroline
We are in Kununurra about to head off on the Gibb River Road. We had a lovely time in the middle of a bushfire at Keep River National Park. No danger just lots of smoke and a smelly tent for days after. Hope the dogmobile is going well and the sun shines bountifully on your panel.