October 23rd- October 26th
It's been awhile since the last blog, we've been very bust the last few days in Kuala Lumpur. However this blog isn't about there, you'll have to wait a few days for the KL one. This blog is about our time on Pangkor. Pangkor is the last of the islands in South Asia that we'll be visiting. This is a very short and sweet blog as we haven't done much.
So we woke and left the Cameron Highlands very early in the morning. When we woke up it actually felt like a cold winter's morning, we pulled on our coats and trousers and headed south. As with the journey up, the coach ride back down from the Highlands was windy and nauseating. We arrived back in Ipoh and Declan immediately regretted the choice of cotton joggers!! We had a short walk with our backpacks, which seem to be getting heavier even though were losing stuff along the way. It was after about 5 minutes when we spotted our transport to Pangkor. The bus we boarded looked like something that a bunch of greasers would make on 'Scrapheap challenge'. Clearly on a coach that didn't have air con the obvious material for the seats would be leather. It was unbearable; however we didn't have very far to go, the coast was only two hours away!! After having our spines 'massaged' by the suspension for the whole trip we arrived at the pier with only minutes to spare before the boat left. We nearly had to run!
After about 5 hours we had finally arrived on Pangkor. We jumped into a taxi and told him our resort. He drove for a while and pulled up at an expensive resort that we would have loved to stay at. He said were here, "Pangit beach resort" He had obviously misunderstood us at the pier when we said 'budget beach resort!!!!' Any who we finally arrived and changed outfits!!!
We headed out to explore the town. It took about 3 minutes!! We had booked into 'nowheresville'. Our road was about 200meters long, it attached to a road that was about 500meters long that over looked the beach! That was it. We spent the rest of the day enjoying the sun having not seen in for 3 days. Around dinner time we funnily enough went out for dinner. We walked up the street and noticed there wasn't many places open. We called into another resort that looked set up for dinner. The conversation went something like this.
"Hi, we were wondering what time you were serving dinner?" Mel asked. "Dinner?" looking slightly bemused "hhhhmmmm, maybe......tomorrow" she responded.
So we were stuck as to what to do, we walked some more and eventually found a very small restaurant that seemed to be open. The following morning was the same situation, so we ended up back at the small restaurant having breakfast. We relaxed on the beach for the whole day doing very little.
You'll never guess where we had dinner? Puzzled, we asked what the craic was. We were told that it was the low season and everywhere shuts. We had been told this before but this place really took it to heart. The lady then said that the Malaysian bank holidays were coming up and the place would get a bit livelier over the next few days.
The following morning we went to the same restaurant for breakfast. It was feeling a little bit like 'groundhog day'. We went and sat on the beach all-day and did very little. You'll never guess where we had dinner?
Ahh this time another restaurant had decided to open. We were so excited that we didn't even bother with the usual place. They may have missed us, but we doubt it. We had a beer and watched the sunset.
The following morning we headed off for Kuala Lumpur.
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