Well folks, I'm almost back at the beginning...
I've been home since Thursday, in the rain and gloom that is home :( How I miss that sunshine. I'm staying with Amanda and Lewis for a few days.
Tomorrow morning I'm off to the Embassy in London, to re-apply for my visa. Fingers crossed everyone please!! I'll update with the result as soon as I can.
Tuesday morning I'm moving house, so to say I have a million and one things on my mind would be an understatement just now.
So, very mixed emotions just now and really getting uptight about tomorrow.
I'm gradually catching up with everyone but if I didn't get to you yet, don't worry. I will as soon as I'm settled into my new little house :)
*UPDATE* After another gruelling at the embassy, they are 'making further inquires into the immigration details' so now I have to wait... :( But it's not a no :)
Love d xx
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