Glad to see you have made it to Oz say hi to Adelaide for us have a great time and I have just repield to Ants e-mail.
Stay safe, Martyn
Debbie T
Hiya Karl and Hil - the colours refer to the different types of lager (or ale), from light to bock (which is like a light stout). Not sure of the name of the bridge and Ant doesn't think it's a suspension bridge). Couldn't see the cables but they could have been encased in the steel. The world's greatest example of a suspension bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco which we cycled in May. I wish you could join us - you would love it here
Karl And Hil
Hi to you both. You look like you're having a great time.
In the photo album "Charlston" there is a pic of you both and in the background is a suspension bridge (think I've spelt that right)? Do you know the name of the bridge? I'm not sad or anything I just like big engineering projects.xx