Hi Katie......thanks for ur postcard was nice to get.hmmm obviously christmas day with rents will in future consist of chatting to u on the phone!!!
Jane went back to schooltoday only to be given a day off re....gas leak so I am now invaded by 8 teens eating me out of tea and toast!!!....
jane says hi...did u find ur phone??
take care and continue to enjoy urselves..Its very cold here atm ..minus 5 this morning and thats warm apparently...
Auntie R
Hiiiiiii Again
While i was writing to you my post arrived with your postcard from Loas - thanks!! The builder reared his head but no more even so the extension is almost complete and looks fab-u-lus. I love Thai food so when you get back you can come and cook a curry for me in the new kitchen. Must go and do something now - my last day at home I am back to work tomorrow after a long break it is going to tough:(
Autnie R
Happy New Year Deanie & Katie!
It was great talking to you on Christmas Day and catching up on all your animal adventures. I went for a New Years Day walk to Dedham - very slippery as we had more snow. IAs the weather was so foul I decided to stay over with my friend for a couple of nights it was great - open fiires, plenty of wine & good food - an ideal start to the New Year!
Lots of love Rxxxxxxxxxx
Nanny Doll & Co.
Happy New Year Dean and Katie
Great speaking to you on Christmas day (Teddy said he enjoyed it too). Back to school today but hoping for more snow!! lots of love
Nain And Taid
Hi both!
Happy new year! Wonderful to read all about your adventures. We had a great time with Kim and family on Christmas day...best part was talking with YOU. We are off to Spain this afternoon for a month and will enjoy your blogs when we get home!
All our love XXXX
Nanny Doll
Happy Christmas Dean and Katie
Thought we would send you a message - it is midnight here. We are looking forward to speaking to you later today. Enjoy your day
All our love
Mum, Bob, Lee, Lisa and Amy
Big Gaz And Family
Hi Dean and Katie,
Merry Christmas!!
We thought we would send you a message now (still christmas eve here) as we know that you are a good few hours ahead and will be celebrating before us. We are going over to mum's tomorrow afternoon - hopefully we will be able to speak to you on skype and Edward can have a live link up with his uncle Dean.
We have had a lot of snow here recently - whilst this causes great excitement for many, it has been a slight pain for us as Joanne is not steady on her feet at the best of times and is terrified of walking across ice. This has meant that we have had to take strange routes everywhere to avoid any 'slippery' areas. Thankfully it has all melted now.
Joanne and I have also developed a bit of a mulled wine habit. It started with an experimental brew and has quickly turned into a bottle a day habit - it's only christmas once a year.
Edward is asleep at the moment - he has had a busy day! He will no doubt wake up soon for a feed and a nappy change. He has started to smile a bit (often just because of wind) - he looks very cute.
Anyway, hopefully we will speak to you both tomorrow - have a great christmas together (if they don't have turkey I'm sure they will have beer) and an exciting and action packed new year.
All our love,
Gary, Joanne and Edward xxx
Nain And Taid
Great to hear from you again! Don't get eaten by a tiger! Have a great Christmas. Nesta is coming to us on Wednesday and on The Day Jan is driving us down in our van including Jess to eat your mother out of house and home! xxx
Love to both.
Dad And Mo
Hi Dean and Katie,
Nice to get the update on the blog- see you been busy, you really must try and take it easy, relax, chill have a few beers!Have a great Christmas and New Year.
Love Dad and Mo.
Nanny Doll
Hi Dean and Katie
School has got a "snow day" today so we will be building a snowman...shame little Teddy is too young to join us!! Gary Jo Teddy and Ruth are with us Christmas day but scrabble won't be the same without you here:-( Love to you both from all of us xxxxxxx
Hi kids,Katie ....where are youfor christmas day ?We are home with nain, tgaid,maybe A Jan and Jess.
Gonna miss you bur cant wait to see the snowman youwillbe buliding !!!
Am going now cos keepnodding off !!!
I love you sweat pea xxxx
Hi Katie...really sorry I am sooooooooo behind with mail etc !! hope all is wellwith you both. Congratulations to Dean on the birth of a lovely nephew. Gonna see your pics now . Lots of love and take care xxxx