Damon's latest entry
Kute, Indonesia
The next, and final, destination of our epic adventure was Kuta, Lombok. Now it must be pointed out that we talking about Kuta on Lombok, not Kuta on Bali. Kuta on Bali is where all the Australian gap-year students go to behave extremely badly, and is very commercialised. Basically its the tourist center of Indonesia, and we had made a poin…
Hayley That Nivea body wash somehow seems incongruous
re: photo from 20 February 2013Hayley I hope that wasn't James Herriot putting Wes to sleep!
re: photo from 20 February 2013Hayley I would like to claim some credit for the Kakabotek research ;)
re: Labuan Bajosally Suggest you give up the scooter lark (you adament you had licence requirements in hand and you knew how to ride one????????????). You appear to have 'sucker' stickers on your foreheads (one however never learns - think S Africans too nice).
re: UbudSally Try and not keep the doctor away by a 'con' a day (says me who has still not learnt).
re: YogyakartaHayley Awesome!! looking forward to the next instalment! Seems like when Damon doesn't have me around, he takes over my role of buying everything in sight ;)
re: Yogyakarta