The first thing I've got to do is have a real whinge - sorry but I need to! The only stress I have suffered while being away is dealing with this computer stuff! I have been getting so frustrated and when I have had the opportunity it is taking me so long and as for the photos forget it. Den has got to the stage that when I say I am going to do my thing (computer) she pretends shes asleep when I get back! Anyway after today things should be better and it seems as if it is!! We were both very tired this morning after our sleepless train journey but we had to be up at 7 for our trip to the mountains. We got on the mini bus and there were two Israelis, 1 Turk and an Australian lady. Within 5 mins we were all chatting and we had an absolutely brilliant day. On the way back the men starting playing with my camera as I had a good whinge to them about how difficult it all was and it was taking me 2 hours to put on 5 photos using the USB wire also I was frightened to take any pictures as I needed the battery to be OK for it to last long enough to be able to put the pictures on! DOH!!!!!!
Dennis (the Turk) proceeded to tell me about the memory card ! (where are you when I need you Megs?!) and exactly what to do with it. In fact he came with us tonight to make sure I did as I was told and its worked so thank god for Dennis.
Denise has asked me if I have said about the washing and I don't think I did but the night we had to do a full wash ( getting smelly!) we were really worried we wouldn't have any dry clothes for the following morning. We had hung everything around the room and Den went for a shower. While she was in there I hit on the bright idea of turning the ceiling fan onto slow and hanging the washing from it. When Den came out of the bathroom there were flying knickers going across the room with a tee shirt slapping her straight across the face!! We just wet ourselves - needless to say it didnt work but the clothes did dry for the morning- thank god. We are off to Laos tomorrow (across the border) so will catch up soon Hope everyone is OK - you are all missed but we are definately not ready to come home x
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