SO! I am back in Sunny(well today it was sunny) Melbourne, decided due to funny ankle that Skiing isnt an option as I am not supposed to run abou on skis until its reallly better. Seriously typical I mess up all my plans doing a freaking penguin impression!
So I am headed to fiji to apply for the working visa and if they allow me (which they may not.. knowing my luck) I will be back here to work till April in various locations around OZ... so ... 8 months... wow... I will travel next year (as in elsewhere) and do ski season from next Dec now.
Flight back was uneventful and returned to St Kilda and the coffee palace to a lurverly welcome from the CP crew, I did miss them so... But the perth posse was equally lovely and I was sad to leave them even after one week - but they are mostly coming down to melb in a month so its alll good, I will see them soon. Mike is already in melb infact.... all the cool kids come here.. ;)
Sunday I went and hungout at mums friends anne and sean after a day on the beach playing beach games such as rugby (I am useless) and went for a wee swim (bit ambitious). Was really nice to be in a home again, backpackers lack that something that a double bed and clean shower can only offer. Monday I am sure I didnt do much at all to be honest.... I cant remember - more hanging out!?
Tuesday went into melb and did a wander about the shops and had some lunch with the girls (em, gem, maddy and aileen) - it was good just to walk about and see little back alleys, art shops and clothes shops. Tuesday night is the cushion night and it was jokes, e got all dresses up (kinda - I do not have many clothes.. :() and Jamie came down my way and partied with us for the night. It was messy. It was fun... I did shots. according to the photos.
Wed I literally got up and moved to the cafe and ate breakfast ( after waking EVERYONE up at 10am only to leave them and go back to bed... ha!) then maddy aileen gem em and I sat... for 12 hours and watched tv... with all the boys mocking us - specifically 2 new guys who arrived from devon, they are really funny. They thought thats all we did.. haha... wed night pizza night, and more movies then bed.
Thursday we got up and headed into the CBD on the tram and went to the aquarium, it was awsome, it was really good actually - way better than london. Went with gem mad and the 2 devon guys. was such a random day - ws freezing. Then went to the art gallery which was poo. I tried to be cultured, but they had chairs in there... it was just weird. and then the old paintings were... all the same really. Also went to the arts centre and on the way home took every leaflet that said free on it from the tourist centre, got home bought goon and went out to a different backpackers last night... called base - I would like to say i had a good time but in all honesty I have no clue, i pieced together my night thru txts and photos and what other people have told me... I think I was somewhat annoying/ badly behaved.... but nothing to bad ... lol. It wouldnt be me without some drama!
Fridayyyyy - today - booked my flight back from Fiji. Went to the pools and burnt my boobs... it was damn hot. Literally lay by the pool for about 2 hours and swan for the rest of the afternoon. was lovely. Out to the casino and casino clubs tonight with everyone.
In the week people are well boring and only few people go out coz of work.. so really its good I am getting the visa and working... coz otherwise it would start to get boring (yeh right... it wouldnt specially when its hot!)
Thats where I am at.
Love you all. Scandal written in personal emails. nothing too excitng as yet - sorry y'all. I will try harder..
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