Hi There David
Hope you had a great birthday and that you and Sarah managed to enjoy yourselves.
Father Ruin
Merry Christmas!
Father Ruin
PP's making about as much sense as when he speaks 'Stralian......... ;-)
I'm a bit rusty with the Spanish but here we go....
Hola Muchachos - Como están?
Quiero mandarte saludos y un abrazo de Sydney. Espero que están divirtiendo el trabajo y los viajes e no tomas demasiado ;) le queremos mucho - cuídense e hablamosprontito.
P.S Tenemos noticias buena - usted descubrirá in siete meses
Hey Sarz and Davey,
Hows the course going? Am going to presume that over halfway through it you must be nearly fluent? Seeing as my spanish is non-existent I will not be able to test you anyway! Hope you are having fun and all is going well for you both xx ps. with my lack of tech skills I hope this message posts correctly!!!
David F
Hopefully all the great pictures are an indication the camera is working alright!
Good luck with the Spanish course - in Italy they say "in boca di lupo" for good luck. It means "in the wolf's mouth"!! The correct response is "crepo il lupo" - may the wolf die. Don't ask me why. Maybe you'll learn some useful stuff like that....
Hey beautiful- sounds amazing. As always I'm very jealous!! Keep the stories coming xxx
Father Ruin
Is it OK to just type RUIN here?
Hey Kids,
hope all went well with the journey and you arrived safely. We are eager to see some stories on your adventures.
miss you both
Hey guys, are you there yet???
This morning I walked past Starbucks and thought I'm gonna ask Sarbear if she wants an ice coffee when I get in... I then remember you don't work with me anymore : (
Have fun xxxx
Hey guys, good luck! Will be following ur trip all the way from Oz. Stop over if you can!!! Bron/Tiger! :o)