Captains log...
well my trip to egypt sucked ass. 14 hour layover in grecce airport is pretty lame i must admit. howerever i arrived in cairo with no problem at about 4 in the morning, a solid 24 hours of travelling.
So Cairo is a mess to be honest. 23 millions or so people, awful pollution and a crazy driving system. it is organized chaos here. the streets are littererd with garbage and peddlers, everyone has a cousion or brother in canada so they ssay in hopes to lure u closer to ttheir shop and buy some uneeded and s***ty stuff, its pretty funny. First day here i checked out islanmic cairo with scott. basically big markets fiulled with little shope and people packed shoulder to shoulder. it was cool but gets a bit much in a hurry for this guy. We all went and checked out the musem in the afternoon. pretty cool place, lots of amazing stuff thin there, the things we always saw in the texts books growing up. king tuts exhibit is amzing for sure. noetheless it is pretty toursity so we jame out. tragedy strikes me as my ipod f***s the pooch. no tunes with 5 mnthes of travelling left, i will have to remedy this for sure.
next day we checkd out the pyramids. there are a few differnt sites to gop to so its an all day event. the last site with the sphnx are the best mainly cuz we go by camel. pretty ridic let me tell ya. we had a good young guiode and a little kid that was there helping him out, probbly no more than 5 but man could that kid drive a camel. those two were entertaining. I must say aside from wanting ur money the egyptian peopl are very friendly. we are good buddies with the one young guy who runs the hpostel. right into buggin him and everything. but the guy listens to celine dione. they all do over here they just f***ing love her,pretty stange if u ask me.
finalyl now we are headin out of cairo, its busy and loud and choatic and we are all pretty pumped to get the hell out. we go out to a desert oasis called siwa, 40 km from the libiyan boarder samck dab int eh middle of the desert. there is aoasis there that supports 27000 people. siaw is awesome. small town not over run by tourists and the people are very friendly and dont bother you much to shop at thier stores at all. except tthe young boysd in teh town who run a donkey taxi service. no s***, its for real and yes we got on the follwoing day to tour us around town. hitting the various ruins and cleop[atras spring for a swim. it was pretty cool. then we met huseem and mohammed.
huseem or husain whatever the name is an okld dude that helped us out when we were ordering one day. he lived in san frn for 30 years. he boasts that he is the first colored head of customs at a US airport.on a side note the food here has been pretty good to be honest, we dine on kushari a mix of rice and noodles and sauc and meat. cheap as hell and good. in siaw the food is even better the have western type stuff and alot of rice and curried chicken. anyways H runs a store and a safari serve there in town,.he intoduces us to Mohamed. M is a skinny as 37 year old fella, retried teacher. he akes us on a bike tour for free and we end up in this hot spring overlooking the desert as the sun sets, fell ass backwards into that one. anywas we befreiend thesese guys and go hang out with them for the night enjoying some lucky times as the call it. the following day we hit up the desert safari ,just bombing thru the desert in a truck. good times, but the weather is kinda s***ty. today we road the bus home to cairo as we leave for a 7 day tour dwon tot he valley of the kings and a float on a falooka up the nile river for three days.
sorry to cut this one so abruptly, but the keyboard is lagging big time on this computer and it takes forever to go back and fix mistakes.
a few side notes
the bathrooms are gross. toilet rightt beside the shower. but that is not so bad, its the bathrooms that are just the good old hoile in the ground. id hate to be a woman here, even though the hole would be the least of ur problems in this place.
siwa. apparently there are no female donkeys in siwa. rumor has it that a few years ago when the presidents wife visited siwa, the women of the village complained that the men in the town were banging donkeys. yes apprently they had taken a liking to f***ing these guys. i dont know butwe heard it from a man that lived there himself with the most serious of looks. anyhow no females donkeys there anymore. i have lots more to say but not hte interst, or patience to do it.
till the next episode...
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