Hello everybody. Three months on and we're in the middle of the first month of 2007. And no, I'm no longer travelling. Instead, I'm sitting in an office, having my squashed, soggy sandwiches at my desk, watching the rain tumble from the grey skies. Jealous? No, didn't think so. However, I felt it was about time I wrote the final entry to this little blog - I'd been intending to do so ever since I returned from Hong Kong, but thought I'd wait until I'd sorted out the photos....that still hasn't happened, so here I am :)
The 13 hour flight was nearly fun. There were hardly any passengers, which meant I had a whole block of 12 seats to myself - normally this would have been ideal - stretching out and relaxing when one wants to get a bit of shut-eye is a luxury few are afforded on standard tickets. However, my stomach etc. had other ideas, leaving me in varying degrees of pain for the duration of the flight, and meaning that I got much better acquainted with the rear, left-aisle toilet cabin than did most of the other fliers. Lucky me.
I was met at London Heathrow by two strangely familiar faces, who proceeded to rob me of my camera and send me back through the arrivals door the wrong way. What a lovely greeting. Having taken a photo of me coming through the arrivals door a second time, my parents gave me back my camera and treated me to that oh-so-British of pastries, a croissant, before we drove back to Tonbridge. Oh Tonbridge. Town of opportunity, panoramic views and chain-sporting chavs, loitering outside the rail station to spit/punch/verbally abuse/glare meaningfully at (delete as appropriate) any innocent passerby who looks to be a bit of a pushover. You gotta love it. And indeed - it has lived up to its reputation in the world of commercial opportunity. So far I've been fortuitous enough to work as a pot-washer, a receptionist in a mental hospital and an accountant. Now who's jealous?
Having said all that - it's been awesome to be back if only because it's been so good to see all my friends and family again...however, plans to leave again are still chasing each other round my head, and I'm hoping they won't be doing so in vain...
Love to all of you, thanks for keeping in touch, and hope you have a fantastic 2007! xxx
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