Hey Guys,
Firstly when you look at the photo albums don't use the slide show, for some reason it seems to make the photos out of focus (thanks Nige for pointing this out). It is probably best just to view each one manually.
So we have just spent three days on Magnetic Island, which i a short ferry ride from Townsville. It is called Magnetic Island because in 1770 when Capt Cook sailed past his compass went all funny, he therefor thought it was because the Island had Magnetic properties, it doesn't.
Our hostel was right on the beach, and would have made it really easy to do nothing other than chillout and do nothing. Instead we hired a MiniMoke and went off exploring and walking, this little island was bigger than we thought.
We went and visited lots of bays, with Florence Bay being the nicest and best for snorkelling until we freaked ourselves out about killer jellyfish which we had been warned about... numpties! Walks took us to stunning lookouts seeing right across the whole Island. Locals gave us the heads up on looking out for Koalas and Rock Wallabies, you cannot beat a bit of local knowledge anywhere you go thats for sure!
Tree snake encounters were pretty cool, but not so much for Dave who found one hanging above his head whilst going to the toilet which successfully freaked him out.
Next stop 500km up the coast to Port Douglas, Cape Tribulation and Mossman Gorge where Tropical Rainforest meets the Ocean. Lets see where Dave and his meetings with Australian animals in toilets take him next..(dont worry he is still alive before you all start worrying)
Out on a boat trip tomorrow where we finally get to dive on the Great Barrier Reef!!! EXCITED!!!!
Hope your enjoying all our photos and blogs, please feel free to write on our message board with any of your news, we'd love to hear from you!
Dave and Soph
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