Hi guys sorry its been soooo long to hear from us not many internet cafes in India.
First of all just want to say a big thankyou to those who gave us gifts for our hols very much appreciated and wel recieved! Also to those who came to the parties prior to our departure.
David and I are now in our fifth destination in India (Goa), having a wicked time, very hot (35-45 degrees). Right now we are staying in a room on Baga beach it's stunning, however the monsoon season is not being tolerated all that well....rain and heat do not mix well!
India is fantastically poor and very rustic, there are some amazing places with I am sure more spectacular cities to visit. Our favourite place so far has been Bangalore where we first started, so much culture, unfortunately we only had two days to take it all in. We were recieved in the IFFCO centre which is a Indian fertilising company on our first night, they had Indian dancing and music it was a first night to remember. They all wanted our pictures as if we were celebrities. We managed to do lots of sight seeing in Bangalore, science museum, art gallery, Bull temple (where David and I were blessed by a holy dude in a nappy who gave us bindi's and flowers to put in my hair (all for a small fee of course!). We saw Tipu's summer palace and the beautiful botanical!!
We then (for my birthday) travelled to Mysore via an a/c coach, stayed in a very nice hotel opposite the famous Mysore Palace, we missed the lighting up of the palace as they only do it on Sundays...nver mind. We got to know to brothers who showed us round the town. We visited the back streets to see cigarrette makers where I joined in and made a fag, the workers pulled 13hours shifts for less than a pound. We stumbled across insense makers and an oil factory, we purchased water lily (helps mosqitos)and white jasmine. We took the boys to the avery (India has black swans..they also eat them). We also saw the palace...puts the queens digs to same its out of this world! We saw a dance performance by these school children who swammed us like flies, to run and grab our hands, their teacher then beat with a stick just for talking to us.
We then overnight took a coach to Mangalore its felt like we were asleep on a tunble dyer/washing machine/rollercoaster, awful never again we got about 20 mins sleep. We then caught a connecting flight to Gokarna its getting hoter the further north we go woo! Stayed in a beach hut, mosi net time I woke with a cocroch near my face lovely!! Very picturesque stunnig views very quiet. At night you can hear the waves crashing. Although the beach is covered in cow poo (worship animal) and dogs trying to share your towel with you, it was very nice and relaxing but civilisation calls.
Arrive in Goa wow the humidity.We found an equivilant to star bucks and had an frappacino and shared a slcie of almond and walnut cake. We hired a bike, although Dace is a very confident driver the Indians are loons on the road, no indication just using the horn. The bike was brilliant fun although today we hit the monsoon rains. We came across a wildlife centre. We saw elephant, crocs, cheetah all within a few feet. We went to the church o The Imaculate Conception very stunning, lit some candles (again for a charge, even the church is corupt).
Now presently we are in Baga staying in a hippie place, run by a tatooist, where the staff at night time invite you to smoke herbal dubies with them. The sand is white and the water is warm and clear - ish. However the Goan men are a pain in the rear and try to take pics and touch you in the water! We have a gorgoeus dog called Milly who took a later night stroll on the beach with us, hunting for crabs. The other dogs were healous of here becasue she is a pet where they are strays, so they biter her. It's like a scene from Jamaca is incredible, however we have tomake our destination in Deli so not too much longer here.
Taking the awful anti malaria tablets, our stomach seem to be coping with them so far...fingers crossed. The food has been amazing, not sick of curries just yet...there are still places that acomodate for the europeon palate. So so cheap its amazing how much your money will stretch. I must stay the hospitality has been incredible, but there are still people trying to charge that couple of extra rupees because we is white. They see white and dollar signs bing in their eyes.
We have some amazign pictures sorry we have not had a chance to post them yet but stay tuned they are coming.
Love to all and please don't panic about not hearing from us it's just not always possible, however we will get a chance in Japan to load the pics.
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