Got up early and walked down to the marina. Got on Ocean freedom and met Joanna who was also on it. We sailed for about an hour and a half. The water was rate choppy. I then got to do me introductory scuba dive. Was rate good. Took a bit of getting used to and felt like I shouldn't be breathing that deep. We went up to 8 m deep and saw nemo and loads of other colourful fish. The coral was beautiful. Went snorkelling after and saw a rate big barracuda. After a massive lunch we went to another spot and got a boat out to a sand bank and snorkelled back to the big boat. Saw loads of fish and swallowed loads of sea water. Was rate choppy. Then we sailed back to mainland. Had loads of curry with ken for snap and then went to watch the last game of the season at the casino. Unfortunately man city won the title but Liverpool had a great season.
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