Well I finally managed to see your blog from Thursday 2 July. We Hope every thing is still going well. Very cold in Melb. still litle rain, so enjoy the shorts & thongs. It must be some thing with the digital age that your blog took so long to reach so far south? We are off to Circus Oz on Sat. Special thoughts from us all. Joey, Linda & Matilda
Wendy Callander
Hi Guys,
We have checked your first entry from Darwin and I've read it out to mum. Territory Day fireworks sound fun but it must have been a long night with them going on and on...
Good to hear that your vehicle is ready to roll. We will look forward to following your journey. Jesse is visiting this week for the school hols, but unfortunately it's wet today so he is bouncing off the walls with all his pent up energy! Not much news from us, Peter is busy booking accommodation for our trip to Italy in September. That's going to be very exciting.
The Geelong StKilda game was thrilling on Sunday, not on TV but ear glued to radio. Normally I wouldn't be interested but it was dad's team and score was neck and neck in the final minutes.
Safe travel guys. keep on blogging! xox Wendy Pete Jess and karissa