We got picked up at 6 am by a minibus to take us to a ferry port. We then boarded our coach and waited 40 minutes for it to drive us 200 meters to the ferry. I don't know why they just didn't point us in that direction in the first place. The ferry was to take 1 hour and 30 minutes to main land. During the crossing i decided to get a coffee. I was walking back up stairs with it, holding it by the lid as it was burning my hand. To my horror i dropped it all over some dude sleeping on the floor. He woke and didn't look to pleased as i had burnt him. So we arrived in main land and then headed back towards krabi. From here we was supposed to get another boat to Koh Lanta. As usual the journey took longer than it was supposed too and we missed our boat by minutes. We had to wait an hour to get a coach to take us there in the end. We arrived there about 6 hours later than planned. The whole trip should of only taken 6 hours but for us it took 12. We checked out a few rooms and they were either to pricey or just rubbish. We found this brand new little bamboo beach bungalow and it could easily sleep three in. We had another lad with us called Dan from Leeds. We originally met him in Dalat, Vietnam and have kept bumping him to all the time. There was one double bed and they put a little thin mattress down on the floor so we could take turns there. We headed out that night to the opium bar. With a name like that you would of at least of thought they would of sold it, but they didn't. We stayed here for a while and then went to a bar/club called the earth bar. Here they was having a party. Me, Mark and Dan decided to play a drinking game with buckets. Not a good idea as by the second one we was all pretty drunk. I went back on my own to the opium bar to watch the man u- villa game. Got chatting to another couple of London lads who were Millwall. They just kept giving me stick about supporting man and being a southerner, but they were alright. After the game we went back to the Earth bar and met back up with Mark and Dan. We headed home about 5 am i think.
Today we spent the whole day down the beach playing with an American football. I was going to say catch but that would of sounded gay. During the day me and Dan decided we was going to be healthy for the next two days. So we started it off with a run along the beach. The beach we are staying on is called Long beach. After the beach run we changed the name to F*****ng long beach. We hadn't realized how long it was but later we found out it was 4 km. So there and back is 8 km, a long run considering i haven't done any exercise for almost four months. Ok time to let our hair down. We rewarded our selves with a free bbq at the opium bar. Free food so you can't say no to that. Alachol isn't unhealthy in my eye's. Most alcoholics are skinny. They had a party in here tonight so we spent the whole evening here playing drinking games again. About four in the morning some local threw a bottle behind the bar and it smashed. End of the party as the bar closed. There's always some idiot's who spoil a good night.
Today we hired mo peds out for the day and went exploring the beautiful beaches around Koh lanta. We also went off road with them out in the jungle. That was pretty cool. Whilst driving along you would see loads of monkeys on the side of the road. They wouldn't even flinch whilst you wizzed by. We headed back and me and Dan went to some Gym. Surprisingly it was expensive. About 300 baht, which is not far from a fiver. We got back, showered and all three of us headed out for dinner and drinks. Tonight didn't really have much going on so we headed back and had an early night. Pointless it was for me, as it was my turn to take the floor and i only managed a couple of hours sleep at the most.
Today me and Mark was leaving to Koh Lipe, but before we go we had our picture taken with a pet monkey. The owners of our guest house and he was so cute.
We got a taxi to the ferry point and off we went. Today i was to learn another lesson about the importance of sun screen, but i'm not yet to know.
Koh Lanta is one of Thailands less developed island and long may it last. It's nice being away from the hustle and bustle of the others which a lot of them are spoiled through tourism. One of the few islands with it's natural beauty still intact, but not for long!!
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