So by now i have been home for getting on near six weeks.Two weeks ago i decided to book myself a flight back to Australia but stopping off in Thailand for four nights first.(Got to see my Thai bride right).As much enjoyment which i have had back home with Adam's stag do, Adam and Vanessa's wedding seeing friends and family and visiting my favourite restaurants, bars and take aways far to often i decided i needed to finish off my dreams of travelling.My intentions this time will see me working in Australia for about another year, also gaining my second year working visa.After that and when i have some money back in the bank i will then set off back to parts of Asia which i missed like Borneo, Japan, Hong kong, China, India and back to Thailand where i hope to obtain my dive masters licence.After that i then plan to do South America.Early stages of planning it but i'll let you all know more about it when i do.I know your all thinking that you have to have money to do this which i don't currently have a great deal of at the moment.Oh, by the way i heard of a great charity site called if anyone is interested in donating money for a one legged but three arm boy to fulfil his dreams.For more information you can e-mail this address to find out more [email protected].
So, the goodbyes are out of the way, the backpack is all packed and i'm off on the way to Heathrow again with my good mate and great taxi driver Adam.He does a great job of dropping me off every time i go and the goodbyes are easy to.Thanks again ad's a pat on the back and we part.(I HAVE MY PASSPORT ON ME TO SO DON'T WORRY).So my flight sets off just after 10 pm heading to Bangkok.Ten hours of being cramped up was not to come this time.For once when it comes to flying luck was on my side.With the big man looking down over me my flight wasn't full so i got three seats to myself.Who needs first class, suckers?So after my first meal i decide to get some shuteye.With the seatbelts all digging in to me whilst i tried to settle i defied all odds and managed to sleep most of the journey.Of course i was waking up for all my meals though.
So i landed in a bleak looking but extremly humid Bangkok.Once through customs i got the bus to Koh San Road.I love this place and don't think i will ever get bored of coming back.So i get dropped off at the bottom of Koh san road and set off to get my room in the d&d, which is booked already.Once again i was meeting the ex Lisa.She was here for a few nights about to fly home so i thought i might as well do a stop off.Know what i mean.I got to my room and got showered.I had a couple of hours spare so i thought.I decided to get a couple of beers in and the next thing i new she was in the lobby.As happy as i was to see her but i was also looking forward to my two tigers beers to myself.However being a gentleman like i am i shared them.
So with her all showered and ready in an impressive 20 minutes or so (i say about 40 but to keep the peace i agree on 20) and we head out.I take her to my favourite bar in Bangkok called the rooftop bar.Live band, great atmosphere and always extremly popular with other backpackers.You would have heard me talk about many drunken nights in this lovely establishment in other blogs.Maybe not a lovely establishment but great for a piss up.We got chatting to a couple of chicks from Nottingham and after a few beers we headed to another bar called Gullivers, another old favourite of mine.
So today and without waking with a hang over which is always a blessing we decided to spend the day around the pool catching up on our tans.Obviously mine had faded with being home and with Lisa being in oz for 5 weeks and Thailand for 3 weeks i had some catching up to do.Once we were fed up of the sun we decided to hit the stalls on Kho San.A bit of bargaining and a few new requirements achieved.By now we had decided we wanted to go to Kanchanaburi for a couple of nights so we booked our travel arrangements up their leaving the next day.That night we went to some nice restaurant for a bite to eat.Being it Thailand you have to choose one of there curry's surely so i had my favourite massaman.It takes some beating i tell ya.After a nice meal we went to a few bars and then headed off to our rooms.
Ok i will come back to Khanchanaburi in a moment, as I don't fancy writing another single blog for Bangkok.
So we returned to Bangkok in the evening after spending only one night in Kanchanburi.We intended on staying for two but Lisa realised her flight was sooner than she expected.Easily done don't we know?With little time left she got showered and we said our goodbyes once again and off she went in a taxi to the airport.
So with her gone i headed off to the roof top bar for a couple of beers before getting an early night, so i hoped anyway.I got chatting to some crazy South African bird in there and couldn't get rid of her.What a weird race.I had a plan how to though.Just get her smashed and then she will go home.This plan almost worked but i ended up just as drunk and eventually got away from her about 3 am.
So today was the day of my flight back to oz, Sydney.I told nick i would meet him there for his birthday and i did with out fail.Before my flight i had a few things i needed to take care of, Internet, which i finished off my Perth blog and some last minutes bargains.My flight wasn't due to leave until about 7 pm so i had a few hours to kill.
3 o'clock came round and off i went for the airport.
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