We got into queenstown on the 9th of june following in the river from Lord of the rings, I forget the name but and bright blue green river in the films was from here it just looks amazing, We stoped at the Kawaru bridge Bungy jump (worlds first bungy jump site) and booked are jump for the next day and then watched the history of bungy. WE headed into Queens town via arrowtown which was pretty and booked into our hostel, base backpackers, which was quite expensive but really central . We then went for Fergburgers, furgburger is the best burger place in the world ever I had the fergburger with cheese but there was all sorts, the codfather, sweet bambi, cajan cock, bunladen, not only are they good they are really big and stay open till 5 in the morning sweet! We then went out drinking going to Altitude below out hostel and finishing in the world bar around 2.30 after being pennyless but getting through a few teapots (cocktails in a tea pot) Ginny out guide got us ristbands so the teapots where quite cheap! I got up the next day at 9 feeling as sick as i ever had and walked up to the bungy center where we took our shuttle to the nevis highwire bungy this took 45mins and wasnt a great journey (it could have been scarier than the bungy itself). I was put into the first group (heavy group) it turns out that i have put on 5kg while travelling, it just shows how big fergburgers are! The bungy is suspended above the nevis river from a cable car with a 130 meters drop (440 feet). To get to it 6 of us get in a small cable car whci rocks a bit and get carted out to the platform after being kitted up and thrown off. It is scarier to watch people jumping than the jump itself. I was 5th And without too much hesitation I jumped into a pretty good swan dive! The ruch is amazing and you have a few seconds of freefall before you feel the bungy tighten on your feet, In total its about 8 seconds of freefalland after you 2nd bounce you have to grab a chord by your feet, yanking this flips you upright and you are pulled back up, though some people had problems with this and came the 130 meters back up upside down. Its the best hangover cure ever!We got back and i had to go straight back out for my Canyon swing which is just a giant ropeswing 109 meters above a river with 60meters of freefall and goving over 150kmph. I was feeling better by now and had 2 jumps first the pindrop (jump and fall like a pin) this was really fast but nothing compared to my second jump "the chair" where you sit in a chair and rock backwards over the edge, you can check out cool videos of these from after rocking back you flip several times before going into a 200 meter swing. Really sketchy!WE got back and i ate my first thing all day a "cajun cock" fergburger sweet and then got ready for the night out. At 7 we all wet up in the world bar for pub golf doubles, which is a pub crawl where you are tied to a partner (3 legged style) and have to drink your drinks in or under par, other rules included , silent bars, crawling into bars and no toilet stops. Though skill and cheating I got a perfect score! After this we went to altitude then to the buffalo bar with free monkey nuts (the floor was like a carpet of nutshells which also make great projectiles and finnaly finished in the world bar. I then had a final fergburger at 3 and got into bed around4.30 after long goodbyes and a lot of staggering!We had to be up at 7 to catch the bus out, i was so tired but i caught up on sleep on the long journey to christchurch, bring it on!(please note We ussually means me and rob)
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