Blog Day 173 Wed October 2011
So even though technically we have just spent the night in a camper on a patch of grass for a ridiculous price, we still get given a check out time of 10am. Why we have no idea, it's not as if they need to do any housekeeping. We are making our way to Byron Bay today though we aren't checked into the Nomads until tomorrow night we decide that we will find a rest stop somewhere near there later on today. We pop into the Nomads to introduce ourselves anyway & somehow end up landing a room for tonight…SWEET!
We can't check in until 2pm so we park the camper & go for a wander through the town. Byron Bay definatly has a very urban/hippie vibe to it which you can feel as you are walking around (you can smell it too!)
Every time we speak to Dan's parents they comment that he should get a haircut so as we pass by a barbers, and before Dan knows it he is sitting in a chair wrapped in a gown with a girl waving scissors wildly about behind him. The usual French crop isn't known here & his hair is so long now that the clippers barely go through. The end result is a success & he looks like a new man, all he needs is a gust of wind to blow the fuzz off his face!
After grabbing a few supplies we head back to the hostel for a bit to chill out before heading out for a free trip (it actually is free to anyone not just us).
It's a bush tucker walk around the Byron Bay hippie hostel the Art Factory. The idea is to learn basic survival skills with a 'real' bushman named Cockatoo Paul & his pet Cockatoo Mr pickles (and no, we didn't just make them names up!).
A few flowers & weeds later we wash the taste out with a free locally brewed Byron Bay beer & await the bus for the journey back to Nomads. Noodles, blog catch up's & bed shortly follow.
Blog Day 174 Thurs 27th October 2011
Byron Bay Nomads is a purpose built hostel & we have to say it is very nice & well looked after. Because of our unexpected arrival yesterday we were put into the last available private room. This however was not the room we were meant to be in. So this morning we are to move into our new and improved room! The only real difference is that the room is a little bit bagger and it has a balcony, but hey who are we to argue? A nice touch though is the free chocolates on the bed upon arrival (and yes Trish did get to see them!). Today we venture further out around the town & head to the beach for a while too, it's not really warm enough to sunbathe but it's all nice to look at. Before we know it, its Noodle time followed by a bit of Beauty & the Geek!
Blog Day 175 Fri 28th October 2011
Today we enjoy the comfort of a proper BED……all day!!
Nuff said!!!
Blog Day 176 Sat 29th October 2011
There's not really much to do in Byron Bay & not much at all going on either, but the one thing we have saved till last is to go to the Lighthouse. The Canadian boys we met on Fraser Island arrived last night so we have planned to meet up with them & have a beer or to overlooking the views from the lighthouse. We leave it till late afternoon-ish so that we can catch the sunset & oh my we are treated to a good one. We even got to see some dolphins & whales playing around in bay. One thing that we weren't expecting was to get a photo opportunity at the most easterly point in Australia!
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