Danni et Cedric, je vous envie car vous etes sous le soleil, ici il pleut et il fait froid, nous nous remettons juste maintenant de notre voyage.C'est avec plaisir que je parcourt les photos.Super la vidéo,j'attend les prochaine s .J'ai mis dans le coffre votre trésor.
Profitez bien mais soyez prudents. Je vous embrasse a bientot de vous lire
Danni, tell your boyfriend to get more involve with your blog...he didn't write anything since Hanoi......Lazy, Lazy!
Estoy disfrutando mucho con sus historias chicos, los sigo en todo momento. Un abrazo y que no se les olvide el español ;-)
Many thanks for sharing all these stories with us, we continue wishing you good luck in the travels and adventures. I am also glad you have met many friendly people, some of them more intelligent than others (hehe, maybe due to their ability to speak English...?). Great to hear about the natural food and how people do lots of nice dishes even on the streets. Everyone becomes a VIP when they show some money at hand, like they do in the movies!
You two take care! and look forward to hear more stories!!
je pense trés fort à vous. Profitez, profitez, profitez....
génial la petite vidéo... encore des vidéos !!!!!!
gros bisous, je vous aime
Awesome journey!! Hope you aren't tired from all the excitement! Take care and see you soon!
Je viens de voir les photos, maginificos!!! Profitez bien de tout, vous nous manquez.......... Bisous, Catherine et Mike.
heureusement qu'il y a ton frere gros con!sinon j'aurais pas de nouvelle de vous,alors t'a mon adresse maintenant pense a nous.eclatez vous bien et prends un max de photo,bises a vous 4
Andrew T
Your holidays sounds awesome and good for you guys throwing yoursleves into working, mucking in and all that rather than sunning yourselves on a beach and buying fake watches.
If ever someone shouts "VIP FULL" at you again just sit down and say back, "European, stubborn" and refuse to move. I think that might work.
Is streetfood a fancy name for "roadkill"?
Can we have a video of Cedric's "Dance a L'ecole" on facebook please I think he could rival that guy on Youtube who went round the world dancing.
Is couchsurfing really as good as waterskiing?
Happy 7 years guys - cracking photos too!!
Wow!! I wish u guys good luck wid ur expedition. Quess wha? it will remain wid u 4ever. Goodness gracious... it sounds like pure fun!! And remember if you cut down a tree to build shelter.. plant back one (smile)
Jayne And Dad
What an amazing time you are having.Love reading about all your adventures but more photo's please !! Love to you both xxxx!
Andrew T
Post No. 4 and Danni talks about shopping!!! and surely an Arc de Triumphe Tribute without the crazy traffic is not right.