quelques heures avant que minuit n'arrive, je pense trés fort à vous. je vous embrasse. ga
Andrew T
Well - I feel like a wise philosopher now - I shall certainly try to think up some more wise sayings. When you guys said you were thinking of going travelling I do remember saying, "Yes I think you should go." - I think that was quite wise.
That reminds me of a joke -
How many Chinese philosophers does it take to change a light bulb?
Many (hands make light work).
Anyway v cool time indeed in New Zealand - I think the Patagonia glacier and the New Zealand glacier should have a fight to see who is best - it is the only fair way to decide.
Great photos, the flower shots remind me of my maldavian pictures we need to compare! Looks like a superb place to visit, you can take me next time...
Nous regretons de ne pas etre avec vous, de voir tout ces beaux paysages.
Peut etre un jour !
Gros bisous a tous les deux.
Vos dernières photos sont superbes.
Dommage que vous ne soyez pas plus souvent dessus.
Gros bisous
Je pense très fort à vous... merci pour la photos de l'affiche... soyez très prudent. I love you.. ga
Catherine Louis
Photos superbes! Ca donne envie...
Bisous, Catherine.
De tres belles photos, nous sommes avec vous par la pensée, profitez bien. Cédric tu as un très beau chapeau.Nous vous embrassons.
yes, you guessed it! I'm still liking the pictures! keep on rocking!
Andrew T
Pip said the same thing about Snowdonia National Park - that it was just like parts of New Zealand.
How can you say there are no scary bugs in New Zealand, with no natural predators they have giant centipedes that grow to over a metre long and they have beetles that would block your windscreen.
Anyway, seems like the place to go and I'm glad Ced is now an official bushtucker with his new hat. Does he wear it at a jaunty angle or is that just for "party time".
By the way I didn't realise the "true Australia is a lady called "Greta". She isn't mentioned in the Lonely Planet guide.
Catherine Louis
Vous avez l'air relaxed et tres heureux! profitez bien de tout et eclatez-vous... Catherine et Mike.