Still no jail? Good show!! Not seeing you in your Indy hat much...get it on wont ya!! Must say, I'm fairly impressed with your plane wing shot - Dan Bailey-Indiana Jones now is it? I must say that Em's shot of the elephant trunk and your mush is pretty good too! I have news - my first random internet order for my handmade jewellery!! Some lady in London...thought I'd share and plug my site whilst I'm here... Very exciting!! I do expect to see you dangling from something..or climbing up something...finding some treasure?? Get with the Indy programme Dan!! Geeez! Love n hugs Can we post you out some cheddar cheese???
Hey hun, Don't know whether u heard, elene is leaving to go to op's and i have an interview for groups next week .. the call centre is falling apart without u he he....
Well i hope ure having lots of fun....
Miss u lots
Lou ..... x x x
Hey dudes enjoying the pics n the stories, glad to see you both look well now the pinkness is fading hehehe. ? have you seen Cisse cos most of the time no one can find him on the pitch. Cant say ive seen anyone i remember from my jungle times in ya pics except the Colonel you where riding, but you will be glad to hear keepin up traditions on the dancing front at your fav Venue. All the best from everyone you know especially the fantastic four oh and Willie. Zap you again soon. Yours the King of the Swingers!!!!
Bob Jones
Apparently Cisse has been so impressed with your messages that he is signing for Bangkok United - well done and keep up the good work, Junior.
Alright Indiana, good to hear you both made it there in one piece! Hope the two of you are ok and enjoying yourselves. make sure you keep us all up to date with loads of pictures and stories.
yo yo yo danny + emma glad u got there ok hope ur adjusting 2 the way of life out there remember 2 keep me up 2 date wiv the pics u no wot i mean ha! keep well
hi emma and dan
glad to see you arrived safely, great pictures and write up's, keep them coming.
Congratulations on becoming an uncle again.
Emma Mum and boys are fine, she will have the computer up and working soon, so she will be able to post her own message.
chat soon stu and amanda
Leigh-Ann & Chris
We are glad to see that you have escaped Thai jail thus far...what a great way to stay in touch too! We expect to see a lot of abstract, weird and wondeful photos too please!! By the way you are an uncle - again...just in case you didn't know! 7lbs 13oz and all good. Take care chaps...Leigh-ann & Chris xx
Oh daniel, you two have already been manhandling a poor elephant...
We miss u, its so so boring at work everyone wants to leave!!!
Keep those emails cumin through indiana!!!
Lou x x x x
"indiana" jones! i like it! my old amigo from 117! i wish u god speed on your journey! r loss is austrailias gain! i expect regular updates on travels and in your hour of need give me a call and i shall rescue u upon my war horse!