Yes I'm posting on my own website, sad I know. Just wanted to say that Dawlish United, My football team, won the league and are also in a cup final soon. I am totally gutted not to be there. May be that's why they're doing so well?! Hope not! Anyway, major congratulations to you guys. Looking forward to returning, scoring loads of goals, and helping to add to those trophies.
Matt Wilkinson
We gather you are heading for Oz. Tory and I are in Canberra until about 03 Dec 06. If you need a bed for a couple of nights or are passing through we'd love to catch up.
Safe trip
Matt and Tory
Bob Dj
hey dan and emz,only bob! hope ur both ok,sounds like ur having a great time,guess its not long till ur off to the land of oz. cant wait to c what i am missing,will keep tuned in to ur journal,have fun!!! love Dj Bob/Bob Dj! X x x
Hiya Indy n Ems, glad to see you r havin a wild time, could not find sean connery hangin from them towers then!!!! Heres a thought for ya can u imagine me trying to sleep on that ferry of yours!!! Best wishes to you both from all here inc County. Will keep incontact with you this way as i guess its cheaper for you to read these rather than check everyones emails. PS shhhhhhh have you found a place to watch the World Cup yet???? mind you if You could make it to Germany we could do with a striker!!!!! cheers mate, Baloo
Bob Jones
OK - so you were right about Pompey!!! Enjoyed Arsenals last game at Highbury today and the Henri hat trick.
Sounds like you are still having fun - keep safe.
Hey dan, i am sooooo impressed by that picture of the gigantic babybel! i was tempted to buy an extra big suitcase and stuff it full of cheese to take out there with me but panic over now that i saw that picture! mmm cheeeeese! loving the pictures and entries, havnt seen you in your hat yet tho? graham would be well upset if you havnt worn it. cherche la femme and all that xxx
Dan Lil Sis
Hi Dan & Emma u look like your having a great time! Finally got your postcard this morning!! Speak to you soon love Emma xx
Pasty White Eeengleeesh Called G
Hi guys - just to let you know that Mum and I have concocted a strategy concerning your photos - we're both downloading and archiving them on our hard drives and I'll be backing them up intermittently, then stick 'em on a CD when there's enough.
Your images are safe with us!!!
Trust you're still having fun; still patiently awaiting "summer" over here!!
G - "the Bogus Slim Shady"
Hi guys! Thanks for the postcard - sorry it's taken me so long to sort out sending you a msg but..... work is for fools!!!
Glad you're both doing relatively well (rock ambushes and sun attacks not withstanding! Ha ha ha!!) and look forward to the next update!! I'll be eating my homemade burgers in your honour!!!
P.S. - you think it's hot over there?? Today I went outside in shorts for the first time this year...... lasted about 1.3 minutes before legging it back inside!! Yay, me!!
Big Bro
Cheers for the postcard mate; Max was well chuffed at being called Master Max Jones!!! Glad you are both well, scuba course sounds awesome; well jealous!!! Take care you both...
Chris, Leigh-ann, and Master Max Jones
hey dude! havent emailed as thought it would cost loads to reply and looked wicked, whats so hot about your sweaty burnt back pic PROPER MING!!!
Glad your having an awesome time, missing you loads.
Soph xxxxx
Hi Dan and Em, well u made it ok and it looks top quality, even if u are pretending to be Dr Dolittle!!
Keep an eye out for the lady boys, but DO NOT bring one back for Baloo, (even if he offers u lots of money.)
Hope you have an excellent time and keep putting the pictures on this web site.
Bye for now x