Walker. 7th, September. Uncle Kevin's rebuttal. I will include his original blog in the blog section and he can comment under if he feels the need to. Which I know he will. Looking forward to hearing from you, just be careful, if Court jumps into this you will get slaughtered.
"Additionally, in the future I will keep in mind this is a blog, and will have to accept the fact that YOU may continue to publish without verifying the accuracy of information provided you"
If you would like Uncle Kevin, I can start keeping a bibliography and start taking the time out of my busy schedule to verify and state my sources, therefore, you can investigate for yourself. In addition, I have visited these places and for future readers, only use .org, .edu, or .gov, just like in college, so my sources should be quite accurate.
"What I said was your comments in the blog were reminiscent of Hanoi Jane (the fact that you are indeed in Southeast Asia) via the Dixie Chicks. So no one has given you a "new nickname"." Definition (according to webster to keep my sources verified)
Definition of VIA
: by way of
: through the medium or agency of; also : by means of
therefore, I have no clue what you are talking about. Because I do not follow the Dixie Chicks, that part of the conversation is a little confusing. I am going to assume that the Dixie Chicks spoke out against the war and that's what you are referring to. Good thing this great country that I am so LUCKY to be part of allows us to do such a thing. However, thank you for verifying that I do not have a new nickname.
"As you continue your trek down this journalistic path know that when you knowingly and purposely make statements that are blatantly offensive to others, it may/will provoke responses that may not paint you (the author/blogger) in a good light."
Please tell me what I said that was offensive. The truth hurts sometimes, but I am pretty sure I made a great effort to make sure I was not offensive by any means.
"The entire Vietnam era, inclusive of the bombing of Laos (the secret war), the My Lai massacre as well as thousand of other travesties carried out by both sides, was an extremely dark time in our nations' history. No one will argue that point. "
My point of the blog was to get information out there because a lot of Americans were not aware of the secret war and how it was still killing people TODAY. Just because it was a dark time in our history doesn't mean we get to bomb the s*** out of a country and then forget about it once the war is over. The My Lai massacre is another little secret. All of America does not know what really happened, so, again, just trying to let everyone know how ugly war can be.
"The hypocrisy of your statement that "Although, I am not proud to be an American (southern accent) I do feel blessed and lucky to be from that country" is extremely puzzling. Because you are American and were "blessed and lucky to be from that country" you can continue to travel through countries who's governments would not allow their people the freedom to make such a statement"
Definition again from webster "Definition of HYPOCRISY
: a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not; especially : the false assumption of an appearance of virtue or religion
: an act or instance of hypocrisy
Definition of PROUD
: feeling or showing pride: as
a : having or displaying excessive self-esteem
b : having proper self-respect
Definition of LUCKY
: having good luck
: happening by chance : fortuitous
: producing or resulting in good by chance : favorable
: seeming to bring good luck <a lucky rabbit's foot>
— luck·i·ness
again, I am not proud to be an American. I am lucky to be an American. I have little to do with the decisions and choices that are made in the government. I am however, PROUD to be a Walker, because I am a reflection of those who I respect and love.
"If you intended to educate Americans and heighten their awareness of the ongoing UXO issue in Laos, I believe that statement alienated more people than you realize."
I don't think so. I have spoken to many Americans that had no clue about the secret war. In addition, I have spoken to many people that did not know people were still dying because of the bombs we dropped during the "American War."
"You also fail to mention or report what if anything the Loa government is doing to address the UXO problem.'
I did say in one article that I would bring up MAG the organization that 11 other countries are involved in (most had NOTHING to do with the war). They help clean the bombs. And yes, the U.S.A. donates the most amount of funds. Guess what, we did 100% of the bombings, so we should donating the majority if not everything, but forget about Laos and little kids getting their hands blown off when people can't even get jobs in our own country, right? It's a big bad crazy world we live in, step out of America and you can really see it.
"Your comments regarding body piercing, accusations that you were referred to as a feminist communist and a tree hugging hippie are an obvious attempt to solicit or provoke a retaliatory response and therefore will not be addressed."
Well, the reference to your belly button piercing was because that went against the norm making that decision a radical one. See we are not so different. You too are not afraid to do things that others in America do not typically do. Feminist communist is what Hanoi Jane is referred to, therefore, when being called Hanoi Jane regardless if it is a nickname or not, you are referring that I have similar thoughts or beliefs.
Danni, I too love you with all my heart and I truly believe you will be better served to continue your crusade of education and awareness as a PROUD AMERICAN.
Even with all of our faults and "dark periods" in our history, the good old USA is still the greatest country in the world. GOD BLESS AMERICIA
I love you Uncle Kevin, but hopefully you have time to get out of America and see the rest of the world. Also, I hope God starts to bless the rest of the world; some of these countries can use a blessing or two. By the way, you spelt that country you are so proud of wrong. There is no "i" after the c, just for future reference.
Heart you!
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