Danielles Little Vacation
Ok well here i go again trying to update this the last time i wrote was like a decade ago so please be patient with me as i try to recall what has happened in the last couple of weeks, which is a task made more difficult due to drinking too much boxed wine (goon, stanley, kaiser sthul or coobler?? - the nicest one!!) etc!
So we arrived to a rainy and miserable byron bay on sunday 5th of march - which was not a good way to start out after an overnight bus, however our rainy day was brightened up when we bumped into Will our roomate from south africa - it was a very pleasant surprise although Ben who was in melbourne was greatly missed!!
Sunday was kind of a write of due to the weather, so we decided to have an early one and hope for sunshine the next day!! When we woke up on monday the weather was back to perfect oz weather - sunshine and no rain! We made the most of this by heading to the beach and catching a few rays! We also heard from Lisa and Fran who we met at the neighbours party, seeing if we wanted to meet up at Byron, we were unsure at first as we were only supposed to be staying in Byron till friday but then we realised we couldn't miss a weekend with the girls - so decided to stay till sunday with them!
Knowing the weekend was probably going to be crazy Evey and i decided to take the rest of the week easy in preperation, so just spent time at the beach, round the pool and evenings were spent hanging round our amazing hostel (arts factory lodge!!). We did however become the record holders for the longest time sat in a jacuzzi, i think we managed at least 4 hours in one go - but we did have Dan and Bill, our Cornish pals to entertain us (or just laugh at - inc. Dans random tattoo!) and lighten the load of this huge feat!! (Travelling is such hard work - you lot have it so easy at home!!)
By the time the girls arrived on friday we were thoroughly giddy, but as they didn't arrive til late we kept friday kind of low key with just one or two drinks!
We met up with the girls on saturday (along with our new roomate sarah)as we decided we needed props for our big night out - which turned out to be huge pink straw hats, which i must say have become the talk of the whole east coast of OZ (the hat will be being returned to england -so if anyone wants to borrow just have to ask!!)
So with our hats we headed out to paint byron bay - bright pink!! which at a place called Cheeky monkeys, is easily done especially as dancing on tables is more normal than dancing on the floor! Needless to say it was a great night - but i can't be bothered going into too much detail - just look at the photos! However we did meet some of lisa and frans friends from Port Maquire (john, Neil & Barry) who all seemed to enjoy weaing our pink hats a little too much!
After a lazy day on sunday we decided a road trip was in order for monday, so we hired a car and headed to a place called Nimbin. This is the most random place EVER where you can buy weed from people on the street or from any shop there, 10 year old kids are selling it and everyones stoned!! I was appauled and whats harder to believe is that they have an aggrement with the police and they turn a blind eye! It was just so surreal, we went into the Nimbin museum which was just a building full of whatever rubbish they had managed to find and pile up under one roof! It was interesting to see that some people can live like that - but after an hour i was ready to leave! We made full use of the car for the rest of the day - visiting a few local places - although the girls did try to leave me "shoeless' in the middle of a stream! The back of our hire car was really dirty so as we had to drive over a stream i was going to get out and splash it down! However a car was coming the other way, so they had to drive off and leave me to cross a stream and trek up the road after them! I'm sure it was highly amusing for the other car!
Oh by the way as you may have realised i said we were leaving byron bay on sunday - that never happened the girls FORCED us into staying till friday so we could go upto surfers paradise with them!!
For the next few days we did what we do best which included the beach, pool and a few more nights out!! Obviously just drinking lime and lemonade though mummy!!
When friday eventually came round (after 2 weeks at the arts factory) we were all really sad to leave as we made so many new friends there and had such a good time, plus it was nice being in the same place for a while!
Leaving wasn't too bad though as a group of 8 of us headed upto Surfers paradise for St. paddys night, we went on this organised night out and although we spent very little we all somehow ended up a wee bit typsy!! It was alot of fun though and our last night out with the girls who were going to stay with lisas cousin and therefore couldn't hang out with us as much! Surfers paradise was fun for the couple of days we were there but it was very commercial and a bit too much like black pool, so it was quite nice when we moved onto Brisbaine!
However that will have to be another story as Evey needs to wee and theres no loo here!!
But i will continue the tale in the next day or two!!
Missing you all lots and lots
Love always
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