In the morning I found the Big Brother Mouse office and sat with a member of staff and learnt all about the project. The office contained lots of books that tourists could purchase to hand out to children whilst they travelled around the country. One of the main aspects of the project was to deliver book parties to remote communities. The staff go out to schools and deliver presentation about the importance of reading. They then play games with the children and read them a story. Each child gets given one book and they are told that once they have read it they are to return it to school to swap it for another book so it works like a library system. The teachers are also given a pack of other books that they can read out the class. Most of the children have never seen a fiction book let alone owned one so the work of the project is invaluable. The book parties are extremely beneficial to the local communities so I decided that it would be a great idea to use the money I had raised at home to pay for a book party. We organized one to take place on the Friday.
Another initiative of the project is every morning and evening foreigners are invited to go to the project and have English conversation with local people to help them improve their English skills. In the evening I took part in the conversation classes. The session was really good fun but quite tiring repeating the same answers to the same questions - what is your name, where are you from, how long have you been here etc. That night I headed to the night market and ate a delicious whole fish for tea for just £1.50.
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