After 12 years it was great to meet up with Jase n Janie. They have a great home with a fantastic pool n 2 really fun boys, Jack n Tom. We have spent 4 days relaxing,catching up n drinking copious amounts of Baileys late into every morning... Last night listening to a Frank Sinatra concert until 5am! It was a unique experience to swim b4 Xmas lunch n I even got an Ozzie hat!
Was strange talking to our families after our Xmas as they were in middle of theirs....obviously missed being there but great we could speak to them. Met a number of JnJ's friends who are equally relaxed n good fun.
Weather has been a mixture of sun n rain, sometimes torrential but always hot at 30+. Even slept through a cyclone! Particularly satisfying watching England cricket team smash the Ozzies to win the Ashes...did I gloat!! Best of all Bex has really got into it, learnt the rules n sat n watched it with Jase n I, cheering all the way at this historic win! Sydney will be a major party celebrating New Year n the Ashes win with the final leg in Sydney when we land!
- comments
Melissa We missed you, but Liv, Tom and I managed to fly the flag and smashed the rest of the family at the usual Boxing Day games session! I knew you'd love the Aussie lifestyle. Enjoy! xxxx
Janie Hislam Terribly embarrassed at the truly poor performance of our team - all Aussies love to wiin! Still, it was wonderful to have you both here, get to know Beks & get to know Dan again! Thanks for being so patient & lovely with our kids - Dan, you should have more! You are a natural - Liv & Tom are very lucky. Had a great time & so hope to see you in 2012 if all goes to plan. We shall enjoy living vicariously through you both for the rest of your trip & look forward to more updates! Thanks for a really lovely Xmas, safe travels & take care.....Janie, Jason, Jack & Tom (PS - boys already missing you both. Jack mentioned Daniel & Beks and Tom said VERY seriously "I call her Rebecca".