Since our time away we have definitely failed in some basic traveller 'don't do's!
1. We left with 2 suitcases,bought to be ideal travelling size.
We now have the 2 cases,a new 3rd case,rucksack n bag! Plus we have sent back a box of stuff on a slow boat home and currently have a box full of clothes that we are about to also post home!
2. Don't underestimate the sun over here. We have both had days of bad sunburn despite being tanned. Factor 30 is needed when the sun is out!! In fact they don't sell anything less than 30, we now know why!
3.I have developed a fetish for hats n currently have 4 new ones!
4.Bex has fallen in love with everywhere we visit n either wants to adopt the local kids or live there! Arrowtown in NZ is her very own 'Walnut Grove'. (little house on prairie'!)
5.Don't suddenly hit the hotel gym after 6 weeks off at the intensity of 6 weeks ago or you will seriously ache!
We learnt the hard way n so it is that we leave Queenstown with me hardly able to raise my arms and a bright red,v sore chest, a car packed to the roof with luggage n 2 vietnamise kids!
The journey to Franz Josef took us via the goldtown of Arrowtown n we stopped at an original goldmine where I Jet boated through the mine area n up rapids which was great fun...would have loved to do this with Liv'.
We have also managed to make a 5 hr journey last at least 9hrs as we keep stopping at various stunning sites incl' a picnic by Lake Hawea, which was so blue n vast
The roads are great n although there's little traffic we so see quite a few campers in spots by the various lakes.
We have never driven for so long through continuous beauty, so relaxing. All the time the snow capped peaks of our destination gets closer brighter...
Oh and the 6th thing not to do
DO NOT jump into beautiful,blue rivers without checking the temperature! I froze my bits off as it was an ice river fed from the glacier! The pics Bex took show my pain!
- comments
Alison Dan, you have always had a hat fetish! And what is with all the naked pictures, hilarious!Bex, thought I spotted some new clothes, hee hee good girl! Loving the pics, brings back memories, sooo beautiful, Bex don't you dare stay out there or I will come and bring you home, actually maybe I will come out there and be your housekeeper. Miss you all. xxxx No new clothes just same old ones Im getting fed up of wearing! Planning on having a little shop in Sydney so spot the new ones then! Come to Thailand - will be there for a while!!!! xxx