The remains of the ancient church of Philadelphia are hidden along a side street in the modern Turkish town of Alasehir. It's a quiet, well-manicured garden sanctuary that sits by the only two surviving arches from a sixth century Byzantine basilica. Attalus founded Pergamum in honor of his brother Philadelphia whose name means 'he who loves his brother.' It was a prosperous city plagued by regular earthquakes including one in AD 17 that destroyed twelve Asian cities. Philadelphia was also a gateway for the spread of Greek culture and philosophy eastward from the West. Earthquakes and evangelism were at the heart of this city. Understanding this makes sense of Jesus' words. This small Christian community hadn't been weakened by heresy or scandal. They had little strength but lots of life. To them Jesus announced himself as the Lord 'who holds the key of David. What he opens no-one can shut, and what he shuts no-one can open.' Philadelphian believers had entered God's Kingdom, not through the synagogue but through the Son, since He not only holds the key but is the door to life (John 10:7-9). Having come in they were called to go out, like the Greeks before them, taking the Gospel east to Armenia, Arabia, India and China. Christ set before them an open door, as he had done for Paul a generation previously, a 'door of faith to the Gentiles' (Acts 14:27) and 'a great door for effective work.' (1 Cor 16:9) We need have no fear of walking through any door that God opens even when the opportunity is accompanied by opposition. As our friend Amanda reminded us, when we walk through a door labeled 'sacrifice' we will find the word 'surprise' written on the other side - the surprise of God having already gone before and prepared the way. We can hold on when our world is shaken and we should hold out the message of God's word to the world because when our going out has finished God promises to bring us into the sanctuary of the New Jerusalem, never to leave.God is still shaking the nations but the kingdom of God is shake proof and fear proof. 'Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken - that is, created things - so that what cannot be shaken may remain.' (Hebrews 12:26-27)And we do and we will!
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