After 7 months, 3 continents and 10 countries, we're home. We've done almost 39,000 miles; 24,000 in the air and almost 15,000 overland, and travelled by bus, train, boat, plane, speedboat, jetski, motorbike, bicycle, car and kayak. We've seen beaches, deserts, jungle, rainforest, mountains, swamp and waterfalls and slept in tents, hostels, hotels, guesthouses, boats, campervans, buses and anywhere else that was necessary! We've met some fascinating people and been to some of the most gorgeous places on earth and have 6,000 photographs and our memories to prove it. It doesn't seem two minutes since we stepped on the plane at Manchester Airport but we've packed so much into these seven months. We want to start all over again but there are so many other places in the world to see and we want to see them! Until next time.... xxxx
Also, without sounding too much like I'm accepting an Oscar, we'd like to thank Eric & Robert in Singapore, Chris & Mary, Aunty Beryl & Uncle Mikel, Laura, Matt & Malcy in Arizona, Serena, Darrell & the girls in Texas, Jim & Betty in Nashville, Themba in DC and Jim, Val and the kids in Toronto, for putting us up, taking us out, driving us around, and generally being very good hosts - we couldn't have stayed in north America as long as we did without you all, thank you!!! And to Russ and Anna for your blow up bed in London! You know you're all welcome to come and stay as soon as we get a place in Manchester. xxxxx
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