TO BE SAID IN A GEORDIE ACCENT: "Day 6 - Dan and Dave head north on the naked bus!"
So it turns out that the naked bus shouldn't be taken as liturally as it sounds but im in no doubt that the old ladies in the front row enjoyed their journey a whole lot more than they were expecting to!!!
After a well worth it 4 hour bus journey, we eventually got to the beautiful bay of islands. Winter sun has never been so good! We are paying 11quid a night to basically stay on the beach front. Our hostel has a pool and spa, free tennis courts, free bike hire and free kayaking - not too shabby at all.
During the afternoon Dan and I were told to take a leisurely stroll to Haruru Falls - Leisurely Stroll??? b******s. It took over 2 hours to get there and for all of you who have been to the river dee in chester, thats what was awaiting us!! It wasn't all in vain though, as Dan decided to do his bit for charity and adopt a stray dog!!!
The fun part came in deciding we were far too knackered to walk back and it was quickly getting dark (The hills have eyes & Wolf Creek quickly entered into our heads). So we hitched, I can't understand why people would continuously drive past two blokes dressed practically in all black lurking through the shadows but they did. Untill........ Bless her soul, we were picked up by a Mauri woman and her 8 kids and 2 dogs!!! Ok, slight exageration but it was a full car. I swear if I see that woman again, I owe her a big drink. She was a life Saver.
Going to go see some Dolphins and surf down some sand dunes soon.
Hope your all having fun!!!
Dave and Dan xxx
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