We reached Don Det on a boat, it only took an hour from Don Khong. First impressions were it was extreemly clostraphobic and not what we had hoped it would be. Its known as party island but there is no party going on here, there is a curfew of 11pm so all the bars shut down and the most action you will find is people smoking weed in thier hammoks.
We found a bungalow that was dirt cheap but for a good reason, there was no flush for the toilet, just a bucket of water like you would find in the public toilets, and the whole place was a dive but we had been walking around for a while just trying to find places with a bathroom inside which was very hard to find. All the water from the sink and showers in all the accommodation on Don Det is straight from the Mekong, so when you fill the toilet back up its brown, and trust me having to try and flush your own number two is reeeally hard, especially with a Peakman poo!!
Once we had settled in we hired some bikes and cycled over to Don Khon which is connected via a bridge, which we had to pay to get over. The charge wa also your entrence fee into some waterfalls which we cycled over to. They were nice, but the biggest dissapointment about the whole area of si phan don is the fact that the Mekong which in all books is described as turning terquoise was infact the same muddy brown water it had been up north. The Mekong has a cycle, in the rainy season its muddy and then as it drys out the mud settles and it does infact go completly clear, this doesnt hapen until march/april time though so we still had the brown water. A waterfall with brown water just isnt the same.
I dont know what it is about me and my Damo but we seem to attract the wierdest of people. So we met cookieloo number two, a yorkshire man in his 40s with no teath who had lived on and around Don Det for 20 years. And had been on the smoke most of that time from the looks of him! He started off just being friendly and making convo and then asked if we liked reading, we said yes, biggest mistake right there! so he started off telling us he had written a book about his life travelling and told us how he got caught in the tsunami and all these other dramatic events. He was basically trying to get us to buy a copy of his book, it was a hand typed laminated little book that was written pretty badly. He let us flick threw it whilst we ate lunch and when we said thankyou very much but we already have a lot of books to read he snatched it back off us and stormed out, we saw him a few times after that and he ignored us every time!
The island has a resedent buffalow that sits on the beach all day, we thought he was dead at first but no he was just chillin, and every now and then he just took himself off for a dip in the river. We were having dinner one night and we saw him strolling up the path, where else would it be so normal to see a big fat water buffalow taking a walk up the path?!
On our second day we hooked up with a couple who we had met further up north, they are taking the same route to us so we have seen them along the way. We decided to take a boat over to the main land where we got a tuktuk to take us to see some more waterfalls. The tuktuks were just motorbikes with a sidecar on the side, the boys went in one and the girls went in the other. 1 minute down the road and the boys bike chain came off, this happend about 6 times! it was quite funny. what i do find amusing is how quickly you learn not to get botherd by situations that you may find annoying back home, you learn to find everything funny and take it all in as part of the experience. So the waterfalls were pretty spectacular, they are the biggest in Asia by volume of water, so although they were shallow there was loads of crashing angry water. Still brown.
Over on Don Det there is big a weed culture, all soft drugs seem to be a noraml thing, they even have 'happy menu's' i didnt realise what this was until Tyler one of the couple we met explained, so you can get happy cake, happy pizza, happy shakes, all sorts of stuff that's been cooked with weed! they seem to have loads of magic mushrooms too, Tyler was wanting to get some for us to all share but that as the night Damo had a few too many Laos beers and had already been blubbering over his last day in the RAF. hehe.
On our second day we moved to some bungalows next door, they were right on the river so had amazing views of the sunset, and it meant we could just hammok flop for couple of days before moving to Cambodia.
So our last day in Laos has finally come, we have loved every minute of being here and have made some amazing memories, more to make in Cambodia, so goodbye from Laos and you will hear from us again from Cambodia! x
- comments
Mum Hi ya u two I'm loving your blogs Sophie I can't stop laughing at your funny adventures keep them comin lovely to see u both enjoying yourselves photos a fab dams your looking thin start eating more your suit will be dropping off u. Xxx