Sorry it's been a while on the blog update, Sydney has been abit mad meeting up with friends and settling into busy city life again. Initially after getting off the Oz Experience bus we stayed central in a hostel called Wake Up! It was really nice and clean and the people were great so after our Coogee Beach experience we have come back here for the last few days in Sydney. Coogee Beach would have been a nice area but the weather hasnt been very good over Christmas and New Year. It was rather sticky and sandy without the benefits of getting a tan with it lol. Still we've had a whale of a time here in Sydney, ofcourse spending Christmas beachside was fantastic and something different. Although i would have enjoyed the snow also!!! We went to see Sydney v Adelaide at the Sydney Football Stadium which was lots of fun, we got free facepaint and clapper/banners to cheer on the blues. I found myself shouting 'come on city/blues' which goes againt everything when you're a manu fan ahaha. We went to see the game with the Groves (Ali's friend Claire Grove from uni and her sister hannah and boyfriend David Snowdon). I call them SnowGrove now because it's easier lol. Brings back Italy skiing memories lol. Don't worry dad there are afew more football pictures on ali's camera to put up but she hates uploading photos so muggings here does it all. i don't mind really.
We've done abit of sightseeing around Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, we would have liked to see a small performance in the Opera House just to say we'd been there but it was alittle out of our price range. Not a huge loss though when you can say that you'll be climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge!!! We're going with SnowGrove on the 3rd, i havent really let myself comprehend that i'll be so high up because then i think i might chicken out! ha. It's going to fantastic views and hopefully the weather will be clear and sunny for us so that the photos can come out nice.
After christmas we didnt really do much other than potter around town and get ready for New Year. We'd heard rumours that lots of places on the harbour were strict about taking in your own food and drink and nobody could tell us for sure where the best places to see all the fireworks was. Eventually we found a spot on Observatory Hill, a place at The Rocks (posher part of the harbour) that had a great view from behind the Bridge but could see all the 3 spots where the fireworks where going to take place. We set up camp at 9am in the mornin for a all day picnic and social sesh with the gang. It was heaving by 11am!!!.There was about 15 of us altogether, playing cards to pass the time until the display started at 9pm for the kids then again at midnight. The weather had it's usual mood swing but it cleared just before nightfall. The fireworks were amazing and it was great to spend time with everyone and see in the New Year. Absolutely cream crackered afterwards so gave the street party in George Street a miss and went back to Coogee to bed! Happy 2010! Might get a cheap ferry over to Watson's Bay if the weather is nice over the next few days and see some more sandy sights.
We've booked our next bus trip for the 6th onroute to Coffs Harbour, just a pass through along the way to the surf camp for our free lesson. Can't wait to try out the boards! Then it'l be straight to Byron Bay where we think we'll stay for afew days again. Everyone here in Sydney are making the trip up the coast so we might see some friendly faces again at Byron. It'l be strange going on the move again as we feel sydney has become home now but even so i'll be excited for the next phase.
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