Friday 4/6/21 - Saturday 12/6/21
Thirteen kilometres on from Camooweal we hit the Northern Territory border, thank god we had organized our permits as police were on patrol checking permits. DABUS got called through and we were first in a queue, our permits checked and then our number plate photographed. NT here we come. As we knew we were going to be doing longer driving days, we went from listening to podcast and music to an audio book. This first day driving we listened to 'The Happiest Man on Earth' a fantastic book, it came highly recommended to us from Melissa and we highly recommend it to others. This book is an autobiography of Eddie Jaku, a 100 year old holocaust survivor who has lived in Australia since his younger years. After driving 425km for the day we pulling into a camp beneath a transmitter tower.
At Three Ways we headed south to fuel up at Tennant Creek, as fuel was 25 cents a litre cheaper down there. Driving 300km north of Tennant Creek and sitting on 80-85km, we are just in cruise mode, listening to our second book 'Hell on the way to heaven' an autobiography of a mothers love and the fight for justice over child sexual abuse. It is based on an Oakleigh Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School and a Father Kevin O'Donnell.
From our camp near Newcastle Waters we only had an hour and half drive into Daly Waters Pub. After setting up camp we had a walk around town and were surprised with the new accommodation, amenities, bucking bull and the museum. Our camping fees were only $20 for the night but again we left $170 lighter but another great time was had at this pub.
Pulling into Mattaranka we enjoyed our float down Bitters Springs before pulling up 10klm north at Stirling Mill. Here we caught up with Chrissie and Brett, Chrissie is an old family friend who Lorelle hadn't seen since she was about 18 years old. Chrissie and Brett are travelling Oz and we follow them on their facebook blog so knew they were heading down from Darwin. It was great catching up with them and hopefully we will again when we are heading back south.
The next morning another quick dip at Bitters Springs before arriving in Katherine, we had a dip down at the hot springs, fuelled up before moving on. Stopping the night near Edith River then onto Adelaide River where we stopped for two nights to catch up on the blog, phone calls etc and a few drinks, a meal and a swim in the pool. This is where we heard the first nightly call of the curlews.
Whilst at Adelaide River we went for a walk across to the Railway Museum and came across what we thought was cops doing breatho's but saw two vehicles pulled up and being stripped and searched. There were at least 20 police officers, we later found out it also involved local and federal police, along with custom officers. There were marked, unmarked cars, police bikes and three divvy vans. We saw one guy in handcuffs and found out it was a successful drug bust and could have been in conjunction with the drug bust that had occurred in Victoria.
Before departing Adelaide River the bus was washed and cleaned from on end to the other as its last clean was 7 weeks and 6,300 klms ago. A direct drive Rye -Darwin is 3750 Klm, think we drive around in circles a bit.
Back on the road again and nearing the end of our book, we headed into Berry Springs for a swim, it was the busiest we have ever seen it. Berry Springs is a favorite place for both of us.
We decided to stay the night at Darwin River Tavern and finished this amazing book. We highly recommend this great read. The following morning we went back to Berry Springs and this time nearly had the place to ourselves. Before heading to Keith and Wendy's at Howard Springs we called into Freds Pass Market and went in search of a comfy chair to support Alan's back.
We have now arrived at Keith and Wendy's.
The bus has now traveled 5300 klms with the turbo, best addition we have madeto it, makes it so easy to drive. Fuel economy is close, slightly better than prior.
- comments
Mark Griffin Audio books for entertainment whilst driving. Sounds good. Happy travels you two.
Mark Griffin Pearl and I enjoyed the crime podcasts also. I haven't read a book for years and used to enjoy reading.
Melissa Glad you enjoyed the book! Im looking forward to listening to it again on Dave’s behalf! We are off to Yarrawonga tomorrow we should fit it in! You forgot to mention the all important trip to TARGET! It arrived safe and sound today! Thanks! 👍 Enjoy!
Sheryl Oh I’m so envious of you 2 travellers, 7 more weeks till we get our van. I love the call of the curlew that and the blue kookaburra are sounds of the top end I miss. Safe travels and one day will catch up with you Brian & Sheryl
Jan and Terry Oh so jealous of you guys right now 😆 it’s cold and wet here in Melbourne bit on the up side we can now travel more than 25 kms from home 👏👏 enjoy
Judy Bereau Sounds like you two are so enjoying your adventures. We got as far as Airlie Beach, the furthest north we’ve ever been, just love the arrears we are traveling through. We are now heading south to Miami, it feels weird, bu it’s for a good reason, hopefully Alanna, Damian and the girls will be flying in on Friday We’ll be there for 10 days and the of north again. Keep traveling safe Judy & Bob 🌞🌞🌞
Cuppa Good to catch up again. We are back in Cooktown again briefly, leaving soon to go to Laura. Don't need to be there until 1st July, so will be looking for a few stops along the Battlecamp Road.