Prague has been amazing I'm here for six days. I've already explored the city it beautiful. Like stepping back in time, you can just get lost in the streets and find the best shops and cafes. It's hard because no one speaks English so finding the hostel was a night mare. I've never experienced that before so it was a challenge. Once I found the hostel though it made everything better. It's so clean and modern, it has a great little bar downstairs and buffet breakfast. It miles ahead of any hostel in London.
I met an Australian girl she is from tazzie and is travelling by herself as well. It was good to get her perspective on being alone and made me feel a little more at ease knowing that struggling every now and then is normal. Together we went on a day trip out of Prague to a village I can't pronounce, a Chilean girl came with us and we met a girl from Chicago on the way so we had a good little group to explore with we went to a church that had been decorated with over 40 000 people's bones. It as a confronting thing to see. After the plague hit the town there were too many bodies to bury in the cemetery so this was the towns solution. An artist came and spent a year or so creating it. We then walked into town and had a tradition Czech lunch for a ridiculously cheap price the town was pretty empty but it was good to see.
That night we came back and some rational Czech beer, apparently Prague was one of the first places to lighten their beer from the original dark color! We sat around and talked before heading to bed.
We have a few days left to explore before we all move off in different directions.
- comments
Carol atki s What is your next direction Cyd? i read your message to Poppa & nanna today and tney smiled... Be sure to keep in touch with all you family inEngland who were very kind to you... They will all enjoy to read of your adventures.... dad is alive and well XX
Alana That's so hectic about the bones it freaks me out!! I also love how your mum mentioned that your dad is alive and well :-) the Atkins family is always so extreme trying new (and old) adventures!! Love you all!! X x