Hopefully this version will not end up in cyberspace like it did the other night!!.
Well as you can see we are home. Good old Adelaide. Cool but not cold.
Our last few days in LA where good. We didn't do a real lot I think by then we where all ready to come home to our own beds !!
On the Thursday we cruised on over to LA's premium outlet shops. There are about 130 shops, mostly all brand name. And yes they where good prices. So much good prices it made it hard to decide what to buy from which shop. Anyway a few bags, some jewellery and clothes later we were all done. . From there we went back to see our LA friends in Long Beach for a final catchup and goodbye before heading to our hotel to pack our bags ready for the plane trip home the following night.
So Friday our last day of this very long adventure was pretty busy. First up we checkout of the hotel and set the GPS for Wiltshire Boulevard to The Peterson Auto Museum. This place was great. So well layed out and very interesting. The cost to go in was $15 each. For an extra $20 you could have a 90 minute tour of the "Vault" where you see very rare cars and the history that goes with them. We decided that we would hopefully do it on another visit. After our great visit there we decide to go to Rodeo drive. Unfortunetly the traffic was a real pain and so we double back and go park early and wait for our Hollywood tour we have booked.
Yes ,,,,we finally did a Hollywood stars homes tour. Only took four trips to LA before we did. lol. While we where waiting and having a coffee in a little place near the pickup area who should come in but Benjie Maddon. (think that is spelt right) brother of Joel. Ah there you go we got to see a famous person up close. The Hollywood tour was good. We got to see the 'gates' and gardens and bits of house/mansions of both dead and alive stars. The views from the Hollywood lookout where brilliant as we got to see LA spread out from up high. The tour lasted about 2 hours and that was it la la land done.
We set the GPS for the final time, it has been the best thing to have on a trip like this. We did get a little tired of 'her' saying keep left keep left but then keep right heheh. Desitination....airport. We arrive plenty early for our 11.30pm flight. Actually we are there by 7pm so get some dinner and settle in. Mmmmm flight gets delayed by an hour oh well not too bad. They still board us by 11.30. But then things go sour. We get told the pump putting water into the plane is playing up so will be about 30 minutes longer. Well 30 turned into over 3 hours !!! Yep plane full of people on the tarmac for 3 hours!!. We finally flew about 3am. Got into Melbourne late but Qantas gets us on the next plane home and we arrive in Adelaide about 2.30pm. Taxi home please. finish off this blog. The adventure we took to Mexico and the many many stops through America was brilliant. It was fantastic being able to show and share all the sights with our daughter Jess and husband Jason. We all made some amazing memories and have become even closer if that is possible. Ray did a brilliant job with driving over 4700 kms on our road trips !!! You really need to concentrate extra hard when driving on the other side of the road, on the freeways at over 110ks. Gotta watch out for the exits!!. We stayed in 22 different hotels and had nine flights. Wow. we have travelled a bit.
Well it is finally time to say farewell to this blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading it and looking at the pictures. We have all enjoyed this adventure and will definately plan another. I hope you will follow along for the next one !! Until till then it's Cheers from the travelling Cruises... and Elliotts
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