Day 3 & 4 & 5
Of on a full day tour to Cuernavaca and Taxco. Amazing countryside we drive through to get there. We visit a Mission build in 1522 that became a cathedral in 1851. Really different, wasn't like other cathedrals it looked more like a fort. We continued on thru the Sierra Madre mountains which are so vast they just go on and on. Eventually we arrive in the mining town of Taxco. Famous for it's mostly silver mines and couple of gold ones. Here they call this place Silver City and every second shop sells silver products. Taxco has one long winding street, quite wide and of course cobblestoned. Due to it being Easter they had a full on procession to the baroque church of Santa Prisca. It has twin towers and gilded altarpieces.
With other little winding side streets that go up quite steeply we certainly had our excercise that day, but it was worth it to see all the different types of architecture and monuments.
Ahh Puebla. Off today to visit Cholula, just west of Puebla. In Cholula there are 360 churches with a population of 2 million people. That's huge hey. What a brilliant vibrant place. We stop at the archaeological site which was an important pre-columbian city dating back tto around the 2nd century BC. Here is something really different and special. We first of go 'inside' a pyramid. This is considered the largest structure in the Americas and the largest man made by volume in the world.
Most of the pyramid is underground. It is a stepted one. the top is flat. The spanish built a Church on top of it not knowing it was there!!
We continue on to the world heritage listed colonial city of Puebla. Had a great walking tour of the town. The main plaza as per most is lively and fulll of ancient barouque palaces and again of course the mandatory cathedral. The handcrafts market is so colourful and just full of so much you would like to buy but know you can't get it all home
After and amazing dinner of all local food we go for a stroll around the area know as Angelopolis, lots of local bars, cafes and restaurants. The traditional food here in Puebla is quite often covered in a chocolate sauce. If get put on everything from lamb to pork and it has a more nutty taste than chocolate. It can have up to 100 different ingrediants !!
Sunday 20th - We have a light breakfast (should of had none !!) at the hotel before being picked up to then go by coach to Oaxaca. The coach ride takes about 4.5hours and is very comfortable with a couple of movies along the way. I did start feeling yuk about an hour in but thought it may have been 'coach' sickness.....wrong!!! Food poisoning!! Are what all travellers dred. Pretty sure it was those couple tiny sausages I had at brecky. Dame they made me sick. By the time we got to our hotel I was feeling really bad. So bad that I had a fever and the shakes. Had to call a doctor who could only talk to me on the phone cause he had a crook neck!! Anyway he said for the front desk to go out and get me some tablets that are nausea and the other end too. Take one every 8 hours. Boy what a long night it was. Still haven't had much and think it will take a couple of days to get over. Our tour for today was moved to tomorrow ....hopefully will be up to going.
More on Oaxaca once we get out and about more over the next couple of days. xxxx Thanks to all leaving comments...keep em coming
- comments
Olga, Rose, Keith Thank you for the up dates. Lots to read, sound very exiting!!! what a pity you sick. Hopefully we wish you recover soon. Last saturday we went to the Reserve, Elizabeth, Keith fly his glider, but loose vission and dissapears. Lost it. Sunday I drop him at the airport. Sally pick him up, send me a pict Keith with grandkids. Monday 12:30 your mum and I went to my grandaughter Leilani's birthday party, we had lunch with them, they broke a pinata, handed a little bags to each child with lots of goodies including whistles. You can imagine more than 8 kids blowing them. We had 3 milk cake. We left around 4. Was a good time. Mum said is going to Bridgite wednesday, she is geting a usb to save pictures and see them on TV show slide
Allana I'm sorry Keith has lost his plane. Maybe someone will find it and hand it back. Sounds like it was a noisy party !! Hope you both had a good time. If you can please tell Keith we are sorry we didnt get to see him or talk before we left. Please tell him we love him very much and will be home again soon. Show him all the pictures too !!. You can send Sally the emails you receive and then she can look at the online diary as well. Give our love and hugs to mum we miss you all xxx Allana & Ray
Sally Connah Thank you Olga, this is a fantastic way to share an adventure with others. Hi Allana, Hi Ray!! Sounds like a fascinating experience, pity about the food poisoning. Hope you are feeling better now. Keith has been kept busy, going on drives around our countryside. Op shopping, fishing in Bunbury and up to our local oval to fly another plane. Unfortunately, this one got away also. We are hoping to get a call soon, for it's safe return. So sad, the kids didn't even get a turn!!