Hey guys,
Ive been a fairly busy bee since my last entry, including a night in townsiville, 3 days on magnetic island, long bus trip to airlie to mistime the boat trip, fraser island then back up the coast to Airlie beach for the whitsundays!
Caught the bus down to townsville with my american friend Chad, then we wernt our seperate ways as we had different routes. The evening in townsville ended up being a bit of a mystery. Me and a group of freshers from uni doing post grads at JMC were in a bar then we all decided to head off to the street which was lined up with bars and clubs either side...within a space of 20 seconds me and this canadian guy - Bill had managed to loose about 5 people which is daft but we did it. Spent an hour searching the clubs etc before retreating back to the hostel.
Caught the ferry across to magnetic island that morning. My initial impression was that it was alot like the caribbean with the palm trees, humidity and sunshine :) luckily i happened to bump into my canadian friends (met in cairns) Nat & Matt so we spent the day travelling about the island by car exploring horse shoe bay, arcardia and the magical waterfalls, spotting noisey and chilled out koalas and a hike up to the fort on the hill top with stuning views.
Spent the evening in the bar chilling, chatting and ended up talking all night long with an aussie called Kenny on the beach till about 3am. The following day Kenny and i spent the day chilling by the pool and dozing. I wanted to visit the waterfalls again, althoguh unfortunatly we missed the bus by 5minutes so we walked all the way - 2.5hours later we arrived there just as it started to pour heavilly with rain. So we decided oh why not and went swimming in the rain under the waterfall. Treked back to the bus stop in nothing but our swim stuff and big grins on our faces. :)
Arrived in airlie beach that evening to discover that the boat wassnt available till 26th feb - a week and 2 days later. So i had 2 options hang about in airlie with nothing much to do or go down the coast to Fraser island - 3 days there then come back up for the whitsundays for 3 days on the boat. But hey these things happen. So i decided to go down to fraser that evening at 5pm getting into fraser at 5.50am at Hervey Bay.
The 3 days & 2 nights on Fraser island we good fun - the group was a good mix of 2 guys travelling together - kit & Fergus, 1 canadian dude - Sam, a girl from yorkshire - Jess, and a group of 5 girls who were fun but we didnt have much in common but had fun all the same - Anne Marie, Rachel, Emily, Becca & Erin.
Caught the bus yesterday evening back up to airlie beach with Jess, so im now hanging out at airlie beach with Jess (who i met on Fraser) for a few days while i waity to head out for the 3 days sailing which im really excited about as the weather looks good plus im hoping fingers crossed to get my hands on actually sailing an old fashioned sailing ship (which looks alot like Provi from the pics)
Take care, kisses & hugs love Charlie Farley xxxxx
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