I managed to catch up and read all your blog, and it was fantastic to read. Love your cringe moments that made me chuckle away & the photos are brilliant! SO jealous xoxox
Love da pictures .xxxx
Hi Darling, loving the blog!!!
Check your e-mail please I might have something exciting for you girls to get your teeth into whilst in Cambodia.
loving you alway's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi Alysha and friends hope ypu are all have a fab time love ya xxxxxx tracy xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Alysha and fabulous friends! I'm well Jel! Lovin' your blog. Have a wicked time!! Henny Penny! xxxxx
Auntie Laura
Hello to The Amazing Alysha and Gorgeous Girlies... Am loving your blog, has become my favourite read, you do all sound like fag ash lils though, lol!!! Enjoy your adventures, will email you from now on. love you much, then loving you somemore... Auntie Laura
Im missing my Gem gem, but I'm so proud if you all for taking these step to fulfil your dreams it's bloody brilliant. It was lovely speaking to you. You look so much better, have the trip of a life time and stick together living you more than ever always Auntie M xxxxx Love you Gem Gem xxxx
Just waitin to see your face ,so went u get dis massages (skype me lov).xxxx
I " have spend load's of time with ulots ( days&nites) and seen How much fun and loving u all r ",what ar group"can't wait to joint ulots.LOVE U All .XXXX :-)
Damaris Cooke
You all will be missed but you'll have the time of your life! Look after each other, love you loads xxx