We left the Grenadine Islands sailing North to a new and unexplored island called St. Vincents. Sailing into a bay to anchor for the night our skipper is shouting "aim for the giant gallows"! Urrrrrr, what! I thought hanging was illegal, but judging by the huge size and excellent condition of the gallows on the end of the pier, hanging was still a regular beachside pastime for the locals of St. Vincent. As we got closer it all seemed to ring a little bell and then the penny dropped. This is Wallaboo bay the famous filming location for the film Pirates of the Caribbean. The entire set was left behind so the locals could have an opportunity to sell useless tat. "would you like to buy this rock that keira once sat on?" "No!, what on earth am I going to do with a bloody big rock!?"
Walking around the film set was very cool, and behind one of the rustic, piratey looking barn doors I found a little blast from the past. I opened the barn door to find a dark room with wall to wall phones. Old fashioned english black phones were literally on every shelf from the floor to the ceiling, hundreds and hundreds of them. Then suddenly they started ringing and I was in some sort of strange Pirate Call centre, answering phones! A bizarre experience. Check the pictures to see
Next day we sailed for St. Lucia, just in time for a saturday night out! The locals call it 'liming', in Bristol we call it 'going out', hmmm cultural differences, brilliant. What ever you call it, its still the same the world over. A great experience, trying rum called, 'strong white rum', hahaa. It was an entertaining night, explaining to our american friends on board that anything the yanks do, the brits can do ten times better!
Tomorrow we sail along the entire length of the windward islands back to Trinidad. A big four day sail of around 300 miles. Can't wait as the trade winds have now arrived it should be magnificant!
Cooper Out
Love Dan & Kat
Walking around the film set was very cool, and behind one of the rustic, piratey looking barn doors I found a little blast from the past. I opened the barn door to find a dark room with wall to wall phones. Old fashioned english black phones were literally on every shelf from the floor to the ceiling, hundreds and hundreds of them. Then suddenly they started ringing and I was in some sort of strange Pirate Call centre, answering phones! A bizarre experience. Check the pictures to see
Next day we sailed for St. Lucia, just in time for a saturday night out! The locals call it 'liming', in Bristol we call it 'going out', hmmm cultural differences, brilliant. What ever you call it, its still the same the world over. A great experience, trying rum called, 'strong white rum', hahaa. It was an entertaining night, explaining to our american friends on board that anything the yanks do, the brits can do ten times better!
Tomorrow we sail along the entire length of the windward islands back to Trinidad. A big four day sail of around 300 miles. Can't wait as the trade winds have now arrived it should be magnificant!
Cooper Out
Love Dan & Kat
- comments
Barry Cooper sounds great! Hi troupers, keep these postings coming - I'm finding them very funny and just a bit envy inducing! Never mind, only two months before we're off to India. It all sounds great and thanks for the pics as well. I must suss out how to do all this for our India trip. I'll let you know the contact so that you can check our travelpod whilst doing yours!! lots of love B&M xx
creolenola Wow