Hi! good blog! usual standard! I am actually a little concerned now that you are back in Auckland, cos I fear you may not have done all the adrenalin pumping things that NZ has to offer, and there is THAT bridge, isn't there? hmm! dont tell me first. xx
Ive been reading your blog posts and youve taken a similar route to the one ive got planned for next yr. It really just depends if i get a loan to do it. Ive got a question for you though, most of the books ive been reading say to budget £25 per day for food, accomodation and transport. Obviously place like Vietnam could work out dirt cheap but when you hit Oz the costs sky rocket. Can you tell me as your on the road just now, how much do you budget per day? How much money did you take on your trip for excursions etc and how you use spending money i.e. Trav cheques, cards etc.
Many thanks, hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy the rest of the trip.
I've never been to a helicopter either...it would be swell. I can't believe you both went half around the world and DIDN'T go to India?! What were you thinking?! :-) xx
Hi there , nice blog....seems to have enjoeyed every bit ....I too love travelling a lot.....Though never been to a helicopter ...anyways it was an interesting blog. Next time visit india . India too has many destinations for adventure. I am sending the link to you ..http://www.peakadventuretour.com/ It gives complete information about indian adventure and th places you can go for .
It does seem a bit double user dependant doesn't it?!
Dave Burnett
Great blog on Nelson Nick and Katie, headin to NZ in Feb so its giving me feed for thought.
Safe travels....
It's good to see lots of people writing on the message board again as requested...it's heart warming...computers can't really do sarcasm can they?? Deja vu anyone? Of course not, no one else is reading/writing on the message board. Deja vu Guy?
P.S. Apologies to anyone offended by the Christopher Reeve joke, but my fingers got carried away and there was no stopping them.
I bet Christopher Reeve wishes he hadn't signed the paperwork when he went to the stables!
Mort, I had noticed that there hadn't been mention of sleeping in the campervan - in fact, I'm sure I used to sleep in my car more frequently when I was at school! I have a sneaky suspicion they are going to regret asking for us to put more blogs on here.
P.s. I think your hiring of a campervan to "sleep" in has been money very well spent............computers can't really do sarcasm can they??
Dearest bloggers, i have just seen that a new blog is online. To my delight and joy I noticed that I missed one, so 2 blogs to read through and get me out of work!! Very happy. New Zealand certainly seems to be a bit of an adrenaline ride! Also, the ladies have definitely got it easier when riding horseys! Less to get squashed...Guy, I think your criticism is very constructive...Keep em coming Lad and Lady...xxx