Well, i think the latest is even longer! there is obviously a lot tosay about LA!! can't wait to read about Las Vegas and the five star hotel!!
Crikey me! That was a bit of a monster! You need to put warnings on if it is going to be that long so I can get something to eat and drink before hand! Sounds like a very eventful few days!! xx
Mama Cooper
Have just read thelatest,almost I suspect asyou wrote it! anyway all went ok in the end, hope you have a good flight, speak soon! x x x
Nick And Katie
Guy, in response:
1) Where?
2) No, why do you ask?
3) I think it is merely a turn of phrase...and your mankini wearing probably rates far worse!
A few things:
1) I can name loads of places where I wouldn't mind if the taxi driver would speed up a little.
2) Did you buy the kayaks.
3) The below is disgusting.
Mama Cooper
Just been looking at your latest photos, when I have finished wiping up the drool from the keyboard I will have another look on the blog!!
Hi Guys - just read your latest blog. V. good it was too! I really must sit down and catch up on them all one day, I've got sadly behind.
Mama Cooper
No no!! I'm not at all jealous!! You've got it all wrong! I really am normally this shade of green!!! Just how will you make yourselves leave?
Blacked out for a little while there...hope I didn't do anything stupid!
I like dancing round the christmas tree naked, wearing ladies clothes and breaking my wrist while having illicit wee-wees.
Nick And Katie
OK...some messages to deal with briefly here.
1. disha - we did indeed go to India, thank you for your suggestion. Should we visit again, we'll look at the site you suggest.
2. Martyn - 25 pounds is plenty for Vietnam and as long as you're not doing trips etc every day that'll cover those too. For 'down under' I would double that at least...it depends on what type of accommodation you opt for but tours/trips are always expensive, as is domestic travel. We've been using visa/mastercard everywhere and not had a problem, only you pay a small percentage for being overseas. We just felt travellers cheques wouldn't be ideal for such a long trip.
3. Lucy - Carrie in this instance refers to my cousin who's due anytime now.
and finally...good messages people! The board seems reignited!
Hi Martyn,
Permit me to reply on behalf of the 2 adventurers...
"Budget?! What budget?!"
I hope that answers your question. Also, make sure you keep enough money aside for a plethora of t-shirts, snorkel and goggles, didgeroo, cork hat and a car called Bruce...
P.S. Good to see some activity on the old board again! It's almost as though it has been rejuvenated!